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I woke up to the sound of Venus's cries. I turn over to my side to see Daire changing her diaper. She didn't like being naked, she liked having something wrapped around her to keep her warm.

"Shhh," He said rubbing her stomach. "I'm almost finished," He said wrapping the blanket around her. 

He sighs in relief when she finally calms down. Daire turns to me and smiles. "Look who came to visit," He said pointing to the chair in the corner. I look over to the chair and smile when I see Jeremiah. "Hey, hot momma," He said standing up and walking over to me. He kisses the top of my head and hands me a pink teddy bear. 

"Thank you, Jeremiah," I said smiling up at him. "Have you met Venus," I said looking over at my baby? Jeremiah nods and walks over to her bed. He picks up the baby carefully and kisses her chubby cheeks. "Isn't she so adorable?" He asked. I nod my head. "She is, and I created that," I said. 

Jeremiah laughs and holds the baby to his chest. "I hear you going home today," He said. I hum in response. "Yep I'm excited, I can't wait for Venus to see her room," I said. Jeremiah nods and rocks the baby back and forth. "Quick question, I ask Daire but the idiot said I had to ask you because it was your decision or whatever," He glares at Daire and smiles sweetly at me. 

"Am I her godfather?" He asked. 

I giggle at him and shrug. "I don't know," I said. "What do godparents do?" I asked. Jeremiah shrugs his shoulders. "I guess they are second parents to the baby," He smiles down at the baby and strokes her cheek. "I still want to be her godfather," He mumbles. 

I smile and look at Daire who was going through my bag. "I don't mind, you'll be a great godfather anyways," I told him. 

He smiles and kisses Venus's cheeks. 

"Darry, are my things ready?" I asked. Daire looks up and nods at me. He walks over to me with some clothes in his hands. "I didn't get you any dresses like you asked for." He said placing my clothes on the bed. I smile and grab his face and kiss him. "I really don't feel comfortable wearing dresses right now, thank you," I said. 

I grab the clothes and try to get out of bed. But stopped when I feel pain again. I groan and hold my abdomen. "You okay bud?" He asked stroking my hair. I nod and grab onto his shirt. "Yeah, my stitches just hurt," I said chuckling. "I'm fine I just wanna go home," I said. He nods and helps me out of the bed. 

He wraps his arms around my waist and picks me slowly without trying to hurt me. He walks us to the bathroom and helps me get changed. 

He brushes my hair as I brush my teeth

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He brushes my hair as I brush my teeth. He grabs me by my chin from behind and lifts my head up so I was looking up at him. "I love you," He whispers before kissing me. 

He picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the bathroom. He carries me all the way to the bed and sits me down. He kisses my head and walks over to where Jeremiah was with the baby in his arm. Daire takes Venus from Jeremiah and walks back over to me and places the baby down.

"Change Venus and get her ready while I go get changed," He said grabbing me from the back of my head and kissing my lips. I smile up at him and he bobs my nose before walking away. 

I look through my bag and pull out Venus's clothes that Daire had brought her. I smile down at Venus and stroke her cheek with my thumb. I change her diaper and then get her dressed.

She starts to get fussy when I try to put her down in her hospital bed

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She starts to get fussy when I try to put her down in her hospital bed. I pick her back up and try to shush her but she doesn't stop crying. I sigh and look over at Jeremiah. "I have to feed her can you close your eyes for a second?" I asked him. He smirks at me and nods. "Sure but I've already seen your tits before," He chuckles as he covers his eyes with his hands. 

I blush and look down at my baby. I lift my shirt up and place Venus on my chest. She latches to my nipple and starts sucking on it. I grab some cover and place it over Venus's head to cover her up. 

"Okay, you can look now," I mumble to Jeremiah.

Jeremiah smirks at me and does kissy faces at me. I roll my eyes and peek at Venus. "You know Daire has a lot of photos of you on his phone," He said. I nod my head and look at him. "Yeah, I know." Jeremiah shakes his head. "No I mean most of those photos are you with nothing but underwear on and sometimes I get to see tit pics," He said. I blush and look down. "Yeah I know, I took some of those photos on his phone." "I know you did, I've seen most of them."

I glare at him and throw a pillow which he caught. "Pervert," I mumble under my breath. "No, I just know your birthday which Daire stupidly made his password," He grins at me.

Venus pushes away from me and starts squirming under the covers. I pull my shirt down and remove the cover from Venus's head. I place her down in her crib and place her pacifier in her mouth. 

"I'm going to miss you pregnant you looked so hot with that large baby belly of yours," He said. 

"Darry, please hurry, Jeremiah is being too flirty again, "I yelled at Daire. 

Daire comes out of the room dressed at that moment glaring daggers at Jeremiah. 

"I'll hurt you, buddy," Daire said walking over to me

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"I'll hurt you, buddy," Daire said walking over to me. He bends down and strokes my hair. He kisses my lips and looks over at Venus. He smiles when he sees her. "Look how cute my baby looks," He said. "She's so fucking tiny," He said.

He stands up and grabs my bag. He tosses it over to Jeremiah who catches it easily. He wraps his arms around my waist and helps me up. I hold on to him for support. "Jeremiah can you hold her for a bit," Daire asked. Jeremiah walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist in Daire's place. 

Daire quickly grabs Venus's car seat and places it on the floor. He then carefully takes Venus and gently puts her in the car seat like the nurse had thought him. He buckles her up and picks the car seat up. "Hold Venus too," He said. "I'm finna go ask the nurses for a wheelchair," He said handing Jeremiah the car seat before leaving the room. 

I place my head on Jeremiah's chest and sigh feeling tired all of the sudden. "I can't wait to go home and go to bed," I mumble. "I'm getting tired of this hospital smell," Jeremiah chuckles and rubs my back. "Don't worry you'll be home before you know it."

I smile and close my eyes. I just couldn't wait.

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