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"How about this one?" Carter said showing me a brand of orange juice. 

I smile and nod. He smiles at me and puts it in the cart. "Come on daddy wants us back before uncle Steph comes over," He said pushing the cart. I hold on to the car and lead the way towards the meat.

"Did dad say ham or turkey?" Carter asked looking over the opinions. 

"Steph doesn't eat turkey or ham, he likes roasted chicken," I bite my lip as I look at the chicken. 

He nods and takes the chicken and places it in the cart. We were about to walk away but someone calling Carter's name stops us.

"Carter? Carter is that you," A female voice calls out. We turn to face the person who called out to Carter. "Carter it's me," A girl with black and purple hair. She wore a crop top and baggy jeans and her nose had a ring pricing in it. Her brown Mexican skin fitted well with her look, she was just beautiful. "Samone?" He asked. 

"Duh silly," She said walking up to him.

She looks me over with a displeased face. "Is this your girlfriend?" She asked looking at me with hatred in her eyes. 

Carter's eyes widen. "No that's my baby sister and even if she wasn't my sister I could go to jail because she's only 16 and I'm 21 which is illegal." He rolls his eyes and looks at Samone with a boring look. "Anyways Samone, we broke up a year ago and we barely knew each other than," He said. 

He grabs my hand and we start walking away. 

"Wait Carter can we just talk at least for a bit," Samone called out as she jogged up to us to catch up. 

"Okay fine but in private," He takes out his wallet and hands it to me. "Go pay for the stuff and wait for me in the car," He said pushing me towards the check-out lane. 

It doesn't take long for me to ring the small items we got. I paid the boy at the cash register with a thank you. I took the bags and walk to the car while riding the cart laughing along. I stopped at the car and tried to open the door but realized it was locked. 

I sigh and stand there and wait. 

I took out my phone and dial Carter's number. But it went straight to voice mail which never happened to me before. He never ignored any of my calls. I didn't want to annoy him so I didn't try again and just waited.

I played some games on my phone but that got boring. I counted the clouds but then that got confusing so I stop doing that. I started pilling the blue paint off my nails, then I didn't have any more paint on my nails so I had to quick doing that. I bit my lip in boredom as I sat on the ground pulling at the ground that was growing out of the road.


I look up and smile with widened eyes. "Daire," I said. He frowns and looks at the cart. "Are you okay, bud?" He asked. I nod my head happily. "I'm fine I'm just waiting for my brother," I said biting my lip. He nods and stuffs his hands in his pocket. He sits next to me with a sigh. "I'll wait with you. It's way too cold and you're wearing a skirt." 

I pull my skirt down in embarrassment

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I pull my skirt down in embarrassment. "It wasn't that cold when I put the skirt on this morning," I bit my lip. 

He runs his hand through his hair. "Do you want my coat?" He asked looking over my outfit. 

I wrap the sweater on my body and nod my head. "Yes, please," I said. I played with the end of my braid as I watch him remove his coat.

"Now be nice, this is my favorite coat," He said handing me the coat

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"Now be nice, this is my favorite coat," He said handing me the coat. 

I smile and take the coat from him. I put it on the coat and notice that engulfs me. I smile at the large coat that smelled of cigarettes and men's cologne. "Thank you," I said with a blush. 

He nods and takes a pack of mint gum from his pocket. He takes one and places it in his mouth. "Want one?" He asked holding the pack out. I smile and take the gum. I slowly put it in my mouth and slowly chewed it.

"Are you scared of the gum or something," He asked. I chew the gum slowly. "No, it's just I have a bad habit of swallowing gum and when was 7 and 13 I choked on the gum which scared my dad both times." 

We sit in silence just enjoying the day. I bite my lip and kept glancing at Daire. He either didn't seem to mind or notice because he just stared at the cloudy sky. "It might rain later today," Daire said running his hand through his hair. I nod and bite my lip harder as I played with the braid in my hair.

"Do you want to ask me something?" Daire asked glaring at me. "You're fidgeting a lot which is bothering me a lot." He said.

My eyes widen. "I'm sorry," I said. He rolls his eyes and looks back up in the sky. "I was just wondering why you're here?" I asked. He shrugs. "My friend needed some milk for his place and I offer to buy it for him." I bite my lip and nod. 

We sit there for a little bit longer with me just scrolling through my phone. We just sit there enjoying each other's company. Which I didn't mind, I knew Daire didn't talk much and he just liked the silence. And if he didn't mind the silence I didn't either.

"Willow why aren't you in the car," Carter said as he walked towards me. 

"It was locked and I couldn't get in," I said. I look at Samone who was grinning from ear to ear as she trailed behind him. "Why didn't you come to get me out the store," He asked as he unlocks the doors. "I didn't want to bother you." 

I stood up and Daire do the same.

"Willow." He sighs as he runs his hand down his face. 

I look down at my shoes. "I'm sorry," I said biting hard on my lip. 

Daire looks at me and glares at Carter. "Don't apologize for something that's not your fault Willow," He said giving Carter a deadly glare. "You left her out here for half an hour or however long it was before I got here. And stop biting your lip Willow, your going to draw blood. And we all know how you are with blood."

Carter looks at Daire then back at me. "Come on Willy, we need to get home," Carter said grabbing my hand and pulling me to him.

I nod and unzip the coat. "Thank you, Daire," I said handing him the coat. 

I look back at him before getting inside the car. Carter puts the grocery in the car and gets in the driver's seat. He shuts the door and buckles up. 

"You are going to call me right?" Samone asked as she stood at the window of Carter's seat. "We already talk about this Samone," He starts to raise the window. She knocks on the window and gave him puppy eyes which made me want to throw up. "Go away, Samone," He said. He locks the door knowing she was going to try and open the door. 

"This is why we broke up in the first place," Carter sighs and starts up the car.

I give him a sympathetic look before looking out the window. I see Daire standing there on his phone. He looks up and gives me a little wave. I wave back with a small smile. 

"Come on, Willy," Carter said driving the car. "Dad is angrily texting me that was late." 

I smile at him. "Then we better hurry." 

He smiles back at me. "Yeah, we better."

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