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Daire's Pov

"You're pregnant."

My eyes widen and I let go of Willow's hands and stare at the doctor. 

"I'm sorry come again?" Graham said walking so he was standing in front of the doctor. "We ran some test on, Miss. Aburn and seems she's pregnant," The doctor said stepping away from Graham. Graham turns to me with furious eyes. "What the actual fuck, Daire," He grunts in a low voice. 

My hands start shaking and I look at Willow who was white as a ghost. 

I turn back to Graham and step back. "I-I-I-I," I stutter out. I grab my stomach as knots forms there. I cover my mouth and look for the trash can. It was my turn to puke out my lunch. 

When I finish Graham grabs the pack of my shirt and pulls me to my full height. Even though I was probably two inches taller than him he still manage to intimidate me. He looks at me with furious blue eyes. "You fucking idiot," He said raising his hand. I close my eyes expecting the blow but Willow's voice stops her father. "Daddy stop, y-you're going t-to hurt h-him," Willow said her voice cracking. 

Graham drops me and walks out of the room.

I turned to Willow whose face was covered with tears. She was gasping and hiccuping. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her. She cries into my shoulder as she clutches my jacket. "I'm s-sorry Daire, I didn't mean for this to happen," She said between sobs. I rub her back and look at the poster behind her to contain my tears. "It's not your fault, baby, I was being careless and it's all my fault you didn't know any better, honey," I said squeezing her tightly. 

She looks up at me and sobs again. "I'm still sorry, I-I," She says before looking down letting the tears fall in her lap. Her lips quiver and she bites them to try to stop the shaking. "I truly didn't mean this to happen." She says wiping her eyes. I stroke her hair. "It's not your fault, Willow," I said grabbing her face and kissing her lips. "It's not your fault okay?" 

She sniffles and nods her head before wrapping her arms around my neck.

After a few minutes, the doctor asked if he could be alone with Willow and her dad so they could run some tests on her. I gladly left the room to get some air. I didn't think I could last any longer in that room or I'll suffocate. 

I gulp down the water in the little paper cup. I breathe and look at myself in the reflection through the water and sigh heavily. 

How could I be so stupid? I knew of protection, Willow didn't she barely knew what a penis was before I met her. I could have prevented this, none of this could have happened if I wasn't so careless. But I was just too eager to be inside her that I wasn't thinking. But then again I purposely did not use condoms after some time. I never really felt comfortable taking my stepdad's condoms and using them on women. And when I had the opportunity to not use them with Willow I took the risky chance. But now I'm regretting it, or I could have at least pulled out or got some plan b, or even asked Willow to go on birth control. But I wasn't those kinds of guys who force their women to take birth control or stuff like that. But maybe I should have been. 

I sigh and throw away the cup. 

I walk outside and take out a cigarette and light it up. I puff out a cloud of smoke and look up at the sky. I take out my phone and dial Jeremiah's number.

"Hello," His groggy voice said after 8 rings. 

"I've fucked up Jeremiah," I said with tears in my eyes. 

"Yo dude, what happened?" He asked. 

I run my hand through my hair and look around nervously. "I didn't mean to it just sort of happened, dude I fucked up real bad," I mumble balding my fist and breathing really heavily. 

"Daire, come down you're having a panic attack, slow down and tell me what happened." He told me. 

I inhale and exhale before responding. "Willow's pregnant." 

It was silence for I don't know how long making me even more nervous. I start breathing rapidly and I look around nervously. I start to sweat and my hand starts shaking. "Jeremiah, please say something," I mumble. 

My mouth goes dry as I wait for him to respond. I swallow the lump in my throat and lick my chap lips. "What are you going to do?" He asked. I shrug but realize he can't see me. "I don't know, it's really not my choice," I mumble. I take another drag from the cigarette and puff out the smoke. "Do you want to keep it?" He asked. 

Did I want to keep it? That was a good question, that I didn't know the answer to. I only just got the news and I was still processing this situation. 

"I need some weed, Jeremiah, call up Vince and tell him I'll be there tonight," I said running my hand through my hair. 

He agrees before I end the call. I take another drag from my cigarette before puffing out some smoke. 

I stayed out there enjoying the fresh air when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I jump in fright and look behind me to see Graham. He looks stressed and angry. "Willow ready to leave," He mumbles before walking past me. I turn around and see a puffy-eyed Willow. She sniffles and wipes her red nose. "Darry," She mumbles before wrapping her arms around my waist. 

"What happened, baby," I asked rubbing her arms up and down. Her lips quiver before she bites them to try and stop them from shaking. "T-t-they said I should get rid of the baby and it would be better for my f-future if I do a-and I didn't want to do that and daddy yelled at me. He thinks I'm throwing my l-life away and he called me a disappointment." She sobs into my shirt. She looks up at me and wipes her eyes. "Do you think I did the r-right thing?" She asked. 

I wrap my arms around her and hug her close to my chest. "It's your choice, Willow," I mumble into her hair. 

She sighs and steps away from me. "I wanna go home," She mumbles. I weakily smile at her and take her hand. "Let's go then," I mumble pulling her with me.  

A hour later I was laying spooning Willow. I had my arms safely wrapped around her waist as she contuines to cry silently into her pink ruffled pillow. I rub her stomach in a comforting manner. I look over at the door that Graham force us to keep open. I sigh and kiss her damp cheeks. I continue to rub her still flat stomach until I hear the faint noise of her soft snores. 

I sit up and look at her to make sure she's asleep. I kiss her forehead before slipping out the bed in grabbing my jacket and jeans off the floor. I grab my phone and send a text to Jeremiah asking him to come pick me up. 

I walk to the kitchen and open the drawers. I need another pack of cigarettes after today I smoke the whole packed. I dig and dig until I saw Graham secret stash of cigarette under a pile of mail. I grab two sticks out the pack before tucking them back under the mail. 

I turn around and gasps when I come face to face with Carter. 

"Jesus," I mumble under my breath. 

"I heard the news," He said placing his keys on the table. "I can't believe you, Daire," He said shaking his head. He walks over to the fridge and takes out a bottle of beer. "My baby sister is not ready to become a mother. She's only a baby herself." He said opening the beer and taking a sip.

I look down but don't say anything. 

Carter shakes his head. "I won't tell dad you took his cigarettes,"He smirks before walking out the kitchen. I sigh and look at my phone as it beeps. I breath as I see Jeremiah text. I grab a banana off the table and walk out the house.

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