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Daire's Pov

I was sitting alone in Willow's room waiting for her to finish getting ready. 

I really didn't want to go to some dumb high school frat party. But Willow has never been and really wanted to go. But I don't feel right about this dumb party. Especially when she told me Amber Wallace and Lonnie Harper had invited her. 

I looked up from my phone when I heard the bedroom door open. 

I couldn't help but gape at Willow's beauty.

I couldn't help but gape at Willow's beauty

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She blushes and pulls on her skirt. "I had bought this skirt for my sixteen birthday but I didn't wear it since I just went to burger king and a pet store," She said biting her lip. "Do I look okay?" 

I shake my head and stand up. I place my hand on her waist and kiss her temple. "You look better than okay, Bud," I said pushing a string of black hair behind her ear. "And I love what you did to your hair." 

She blushes and looks down. She pulls on the loop of my pants where my belt went. "You look nice too, Darry."

I smile at the nickname

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I smile at the nickname. "Thanks, babe," I whisper to her. 

She steps away from me and grabs her purse. "Come on we're already late enough," She grabs my hand and walks us out of her room. 

We stop and see Carter, Levi, Landon, and Graham sitting on the couch watching what looked like MTV. They all look up at us and their eyes widen. "Woah, baby sister you look good," Carter said looking over Willow. "Yeah, Will you look amazing," Landon said. "Aww look at my baby," Graham said standing up and walking towards us. He pinches her cheeks and kisses her head. "You're growing up so fast." 

Willow plushes and tightens her grip on my hand.

"We'll be back before midnight," I said pulling Willow towards the door. She stops where they kept some of their shoes in a box. She rummages through the dirty shoes looking for something. "Should I wear some sneakers?" She asked picking up some white converse. I shake my head and look around the messy floor. (I swear this family just kept random shit on their floor and anywhere.) "Here," I pick up some pink flats that I've seen her wear with some of her skirts and dresses. "These will look nice with your outfit." 

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