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"That one is cool, right?" I asked pointing at the painting. Daire nods and exserves it. "Can we look at some statues now?" He asked. I shake my head and pull him towards another painting on the wall. 

"You promise you'll do what I want today," I said looking up at him. "I know but that doesn't mean we can't look at the statues," He said running his hand through his hair. I shake my head and look at the painting in front of me. "I just don't like statues, but if you want to, who am I to stop you," I said crossing my arms over my chest. 

He hesitate for a bit before sighing and staying next to me. 

"You can go, I'm going to the restaurant anyways my feet hurt," I said removing my shoes and standing on the cold marble floor. "You sure?" He asked. I nod my head. "I don't mind, go and look, I'll get you something," I said beginning to walk away. 

"Okay," He said running up to me. He grabs my waist and kisses my temple. I turn to him and smile. He smiles back and grabs my chin and kisses my lips. 

I smile and turn and walk away. 

I walk inside the chili-smelling restaurant and walk up to the counter. 

"Hi," I said to the teen boy at the counter. "Can I get some chili spaghetti and a pink lemonade?" I asked. He looks up at me and smiles. "Yeah, anything else?" He asked typing into the computer. I nod my head and look up at the menu. "Um, yeah can I get some chicken nachos in a to-go box?" I asked. He nods and taps it into his computer. 

"Your total is $19.62," He said. 

I nod my head and grab the money from my purse. I hand him the money and walk over to a table. I sit down and take out my phone to text Ashlynn. 

"Hey, Willow, right?" A voice asked.

I look up and smile when I see the man with long hair. "Hey," I said placing my phone down. "Uh, Chad right?" I asked. He nods and sits across from me. "What are you doing here alone?" He asked. I shrug and bite my lip. "My boyfriend went to look at statues for a bit while I get some food for us." 

He smiles at me and places his camera down. I bite my lip and watch him. "Why are you at the couple resort alone?" I asked. He blushes and looks down. "Um, I actually work here," He said. "I'm a professional photographer and normally go around taking photos of the couples. I don't get paid much, but it's enough to pay my bills and put food on my table." 

14 minutes later Chad was still sitting next to me. He watches me eat as he continues to make conversation. I don't mind because I hated being alone even though I would eat alone almost every day at school. I like Chad's shy personality and how talkative he was. He told me that he was an only child and he never met his father. But he was raised by his Aunt and uncle alongside his cousins since his mother has been in and out of jail.

"And I got my first pet when I was 11, well technically it was my cousin's pet but it was technically my first ever pet. He was a cocker spaniel named, Benny. He lived for 12 years but then my uncle had put him down. For 12 years he was the only pet I have ever had. But 3 years ago I got myself a basset hound and named her Lily." 

I smile and listen to his story as I drink my lemonade. 

"I don't remember if I had any dogs before my dog, Betty. She's a sheltie or a shetland sheepdog and is 14 years old. I also have a 3-year-old Siberian cat named Cotton. He hates everyone but my brother Levi. But as far as I know, those two pets have been the only pets I've ever had." 

"You have a brother?" He asked. I nod my head and take a big bite of my spaghetti. "I have two older brothers, name Carter and Levi," I said. "I wish I had siblings, I mean I have four cousins but they made it clear I wasn't their actual sibling. Even though we shared a last name." He said sadly. 

"You look beautiful by the way," He said looking at me. 

I blush and look down at my hand

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I blush and look down at my hand. "Thank you, you look nice yourself." He smiles and bites his lips. "Thanks," He mumbles. I couldn't help but giggle. He was so sweet and you just couldn't help but laugh a little.


I look up to see Daire standing there with a confused look on his face. "Darry, remember I told you about Chad," I said holding my hand out towards Chad. "He's been keeping me company," I said smiling up at Daire. Daire turns to look at Chad and glares at him. I look at him and try to change the subject. "I got you some nachos," I said holding the container up to him.

He takes it and stares at Chad. 

"Willow, let's go, our plane leaves in a few hours," He said still looking at Chad. 

"It's nice talking to you, Chad," I said standing up and grabbing my purse. I turn to walk away but Chad grabs my wrist stopping me from moving. I turn to him shocked at his actions. "I'm sorry, Willow but I would love to see you again," He said taking a piece of paper from his pocket. "It's my number, call me whenever." 

I shake my head and try to release my wrist from his grasp. "I'm sorry, Chad, but I can't," I said. I twist my arm at awkward angles trying to get away from Chad. "I'm in a happy relationship and am expecting a baby, this was just a vacation friendship," I said. "But I told you all my vulnerable moments I deserve a phone call." He said pulling to his chest.

"What the fuck," Daire said from behind me. He grabs the back of my dress and yanks me from Chad's grasp. He pushes me behind him and glares at Chad. "What the fuck is your problem?" He asked shoving at his chest. "You could have hurt her and my baby," He said shoving at Chad's chest again. 

Chad looks back at me with a pleading look. "Willow, we had a special connection didn't we?" He asked. 

I hold my wrist in my arm and stare at him. I shake my head and look down. "I was just being nice," I mumble under my breath. I bite my lip and look back at him. "Daire, can we just go for this get out of hand," I said. 

Daire glances at me and looks back at Chad. He punches Chad in the stomach making Chad hover over. "You're fucking crazy," He told Chad before walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me. He strokes my hair and looks at me. "You okay?" He asked. I nod my head and wipe my eyes. "And this is why you don't make friends with creepy men who asked to take your picture while you're in nothing but your swimsuit." 

"Let's get back to the hotel and get packed," Daire said taking my hand and dragging me away. 

I look back at Chad who was staring at me with sadness in his eyes. I frown at him and turn away. I lean onto Daire's arm and tighten my hand around his. 

Author's note-

I didn't really like this chapter. I just wrote it to write it. It sucks and I understand if you also don't like it because I completely agree with you. I honestly didn't know what to write when writing this story. If you can't tell the ending was rushed through and I just got lazy with it. Sorry again for this shitty chapter but still vote thanks. 

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