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Daire's pov

"Man, hand me the blunt," Jeremiah said looking high as hell. I chuckle and hand him the blunt. He whistles as he looks at his phone. "Look at this fine bitch, that's trying to hook up with me," He said shoving the phone in my face. 

I shake my head and push the phone away. "Nah I'm good," I said blowing a puff of smoke. "I have Willow and I don't need some other woman. And she's probably blonde anyways." I said inhaling some smoke. 

Jeremiah shakes his head. "Nah bro, she's brunette like Willow," He said. "But I probably can't fuck her I might go to jail." 

I laugh out loud and look at my phone as it rings. I take the phone out and look at the text message. My brows scrunch up at the caller ID. It was my brother's wife, Amy. I look up at Jeremiah who was completely out of it. 

"Hello?" I asked as I called her. 

"Daire?" She asked with her thick British accent. "Daire it's me, Amy," She said into the phone. "I know," I mumble. "Hayes he's he..." She starts sobbing. "He was in a car accident and is now in the hospital," She sobs. "He's in a coma." 

My face stays blank as I listen to her sobs. I could honestly care less. As long as my sisters weren't in that car I don't give two shits about my brother. He tried to kill me twice, I couldn't even try to care if he died. 

"Okay," I say hanging up the phone. 

"Who was that they seem to put you in a bad mood," Jeremiah said looking at me with squinting eyes. "Amy," I said inhaling some smoke. "She said Hayes was in the hospital," I shrugged my shoulders. "I don' care." I throw the cigarette in the case tray and let it be. I stand up and stretch my arms above my head making my shoulders pop. "Willow had a doctor's appointment today she's probably finished now so Imma head out," I said,

"Alright bro," Jeremiah said holding his hand out. We do our handshake we've been doing since childhood. "I'll need to talk to Vince tomorrow so meet at the diner," I said walking away. He yells something after me that I didn't hear. I grab some keys from his key drawer and leave the room before Jeremiah could notice what I did. 

"Bye Martin," I said to the butler that was doing laundry. 

"Bye Darry," He said with a small smile. 

I wave and walk out of the house hoping I didn't bump into his parents who weren't really fond of me. I walk over to Jeremiah's blue sportscar and grin at it. I quickly get in the car and drive away before Jeremiah can notice I stole his car. Well technically borrowed it, I hope he doesn't kill me. 

I drive all the way until I reach the trailer home. I park the car behind Carter's car. I walk up to the house and open the door to see Graham and Levi arguing something that's been happening lately since Levi was slacking off on his studies. 

"You can't make me stop seeing her," Levi yelled aT Graham. Graham rolls his eyes as he cleans some chicken. "You guys aren't even dating I don't know why you're risking your future for her," He mumbles as he glides through the kitchen. "I'm not risking my future for anyone," Levi yells back. Graham throws the chicken in the bowl before showing Levi a slip of paper. "Your grades have been dropping for the past month, I have never seen your grades so low ever," He yells back throwing the paper in his face. 

"How the hell are you supposed to get your scholarship now with these shitty grades," Graham said turning back around and facing the dinner.

Levi scoffs and runs his hand through his messy brown hair. "You never cared if Carter got good grades or not and wasn't a big deal if he didn't attend college," Levi mumbles under his breath.

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