Ch. 27: Are you positive?

Start from the beginning

“I always see your face when I look at it. Ever since that day I’ve started to fall in love with you. Every time I see you, or hear your voice, or remember something we did, I love you a little more. It grows each day, and it’s grown exponentially since you’ve come here. I have been so nervous to tell you because I didn’t want you to push me away. That’s why I was so shocked when you said it to me. I never could have dreamed you could love me, much less that you would be the first one to say it. I was just shocked was all. Why did you run away?”

          I looked at his sweet face for a minute in shock. He loved me? Niall loved me back? He really did? I couldn’t believe it…

“You hesitated. I thought…I thought you were going to tell me what I told Calvin,” I replied feeling foolish.

He smiled a little and said, “I could never say anything less than I’m in love you, Suzan,”

“I’m in love you too, Niall,” I replied a little shyly before he took my hand.

“The seashell is really your lucky charm?” I asked feeling a little special

“Well it’s my back up charm. You’re my main one,” he replied grinning wider

“You’re my lucky charm too,” I said giggling

“Luck o’ da Irish!” he exclaimed

He leaned in and kissed me. I loved this boy, it felt so right to say, and now I could openly say it and not feel embarrassed.

“You don’t think we’re taking this too fast?” I asked

“Does it feel fast?” he replied

“It feels right,”

“Then we’re going the speed we should be going,” he said assuredly.


          “Ready to go?” Niall asked me as I came out of the bathroom after doing my makeup.

“Ready!” I exclaimed

He lead the way out of our hotel room and on to our date that night. As we got to the lobby, Louis and Eleanor came through the front door, holding hands and wheeling her suitcases behind them.

“Hey guys!!” Niall exclaimed as we met up and he gave Eleanor a big hug.

“Hi, I’m Eleanor!” she greeted and stuck her hand out to shake mine.

“It’s great to meet you, I’m Suzan,” I replied shaking her hand.

“Where are you two off?” Louis asked

“Date,” Niall answered

“Well don’t let us keep you, have fun guys!” said Eleanor as Louis led her toward the elevator.

          When Niall and I got in the van and left I started getting giddy with excitement and anticipation.

“How far away is it?” I asked

“Oh, maybe a half hour. We have to be there at eight,”

“Do I get any hints?”

“It’s fun,” he said with a smile

“That’s not a hint,” I replied

“Yeah it is!”

“No it isn’t!”

“Why not?”

“Because any time I’m with you is fun,”

“Aww,” he said blushing slightly, making me smile

“New hint,”

“Uhm…I had to pull a few strings,” he said

“What kind of strings?”

“Puppet strings,” he joked

“Wait, this doesn’t involve puppets does it?” I asked worried. I hated clowns, old dolls, and puppets. They were all so creepy!

“I don’t think so…” he said thoughtfully and laughed when he saw my worried expression

“If there are I’ll protect you,” he assured me, taking my hand in his.

          Eventually we pulled up to a dark and empty parking lot. Nearby was an amusement park, glowing neon against the dark blue sky.

“Are we…?” I inquired motioning to the park

“They closed to the public early so we could have it all to ourselves,” he answered, helping me out into the night.

“That’s really nice of them!”

“Yeah,” he said kicking a rock

“And very sweet of you. Thank you,” I said kissing his cheek

he smiled and we got to the gate and were met by a man who was obviously the manager of the place.

“Mr. Horan?” he greeted with a polite grin


“The park is all yours!”

“Thank you so much, we really appreciate it,” I said

“Not at all. I think my employees enjoy it. Most went home, and the ones who stayed behind are glad to have an easy night,”

“Glad to give them a break!” Niall replied and with that we went onward.

He turned to me and asked, “What shall we do first?”

I looked around at all the rides and the food options. I spotted the biggest roller coaster they had to offer and smiled.

“That,” I said pointing at it

“My kinda girl,” he replied and we raced to it.


          “I had so much fun!” I exclaimed still hyped up from the amusement park. We just entered our room and I set down the stuffed tiger Niall had won for me. We did everything from eat foot-long corndogs to ride every single ride they had to offer. By the time we left we were thoroughly worn out, but still in high spirits.

“I’m glad the date was a success!” Niall said, taking off his jacket.

“I’ll be right back, just going to change,” I said closing the closet door.

Moments later I came out wearing Niall’s shirt he gave to me to wear as pajama’s. He wasn’t in the room and I saw the bathroom door was closed.

          I sat on the bed and thought. I have the chance to do it tonight. I think I’m ready, I really do. I think Niall was right and if I just not over-think it I will be fine. I love him, and he loves me and this is a natural part of a relationship. The bathroom door opened and Niall stepped out wearing nothing but his red plaid boxers, carrying his clothes. He put them in the closet and came over and sat by me.

“Do you know what?” he asked

“What’s that?”

“I love you,”

I blushed, “I love you too, hon,”

He took my hand and squeezed it a little. I looked up at him and said, “I think I am ready, Niall,”

“Are you positive?”


“Really really positive? You feel ready?”

“I want you, Niall,”

His lips came crashing down against mine and his arms enveloped my body.

I Notice (Niall Horan) (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now