Ch. 10 My Night With Calvin

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Hey guys, this is kind of a cute ending, its getting to some good stuff now!! Stay tuned!

I had a hard time sleeping that night. I tossed and turned, replaying the night in my mind. I was so frustrated at myself. Why couldn’t I be normal? Why couldn’t I be prettier so I could feel better about myself so I felt worthy to be with Niall? I got up and put a sweater on and went outside for a walk. I didn’t really know where my feet were taking me, but after a while I realized I in front of Calvin’s dorm building. I knew it was one in the morning, but maybe he was up late studying. I walked in and took the elevator up to his floor and knocked quietly when I got to his door. I heard rustling and something fall, and a tired looking Cal opened the door.

“Suz, what are you doing here?” he asked rubbing his eyes and standing back to let me in. I was glad he had a single dorm so we didn’t have to worry about waking anyone else up.

“I’m just really confused, I don’t know what to do about Niall and I just kind of ended up here and we don’t have to talk about it, but I just wanted to see you because we haven’t seen each other in a while and I know you don’t like him, even though you haven’t even met him, but…” I took a deep breath and sat down in his desk chair.

          “We can talk about it,” he said putting his horn-rimmed glasses on and pulling on some sweats over his red plaid boxers. I told him all about everything that happened and after I took a deep breath and a drink from his water bottle on the desk he said,

“You really just want me to take your side on this, don’t you?”

I nodded my head and he motioned me to come sit next to him. I did so and he wrapped his arms around me and looked in my eyes and said, “In that case, Suzan, you are absolutely not worthy of being noticed by anyone. You are not pretty at all, and you should just stay in the shadows forever,”

          I knew I said I wanted him to take my side, I know he said everything that always went through my mind, but still, hearing it out loud from someone stung a little. Apparently it showed on my face because he said,

“Now, it really doesn’t feel good hearing that stuff does it?”

“I think it sounds better in my head than you saying it,”

“I think it sounds bad no matter who says it,”

          I looked down at my lap and he pulled me in for a hug.

“Why don’t you let him in, Suzy?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t feel good enough. I’m not pretty like the other guy’s girlfriends. I don’t have some fascinating career and I’m not an exciting person,”

“Just because you think that doesn’t mean other people think that about you,”

I didn’t know what to say so I just burrowed my head into his chest a little more.

He took a big breath and said, “I think you should let him in,”

“Why? You don’t even like him, you make fun of the whole band all the time,”

“I know…but…he…Niall…he has guts, I have to give him credit for that,”

“What are you talking about?”

“He is going after you. He isn’t stopping no matter how hard you try to make it for him. That takes balls,”


“Because other guys don’t even have the courage to try,”

I looked up at him and he had sadness in his eyes.

I Notice (Niall Horan) (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now