Confessing ~50th Chapter!~

389 11 27

I know I don't usually put tw on this book, but I'm gonna this time

TW; self-harm, swearing, suicidal thoughts/suicide talk, depression


"It's just..." Firey started. "It's just what, Firey!? You keep on doing this! And it hurts! It really... really hurts..." Leafy interrupted. "I like you, Leafy!" Firey's face warmed up. Leafy stared at him for a minute. She thought he would just say something like that to hurt her, and that he didn't mean it. (Sadie and Lars vibes ???) "I can't believe you..." Leafy mumbled. "What...?" Firey questioned. "You're terrible, Firey..." Leafy continued. "Wh- What did I do...?" Firey asked. "You're a liar!" Leafy started to cry. "Leafy, I'm telling the truth!" Firey said. "Save it, Firey..." Leafy walked away, feeling like she lost her only true friend. After about a week, Leafy went and found Firey again, because she was feeling too lonely without him. 

"Leafy, you're back-" Firey started. "Yes. I am." Leafy interrupted. "I just want to tell you that I really do like you that way..." Firey said. "What's your proof?" Leafy crossed her arms. "The time I 'laughed at your face'? I told you it's because you're pretty! When I couldn't see at all I missed seeing you smile more than you could even imagine I could! When I said I didn't want to be alone with you, it's because I knew I'd embarrass myself, or that I wouldn't stop thinking about you! When I asked if it's normal to think about someone nonstop, that someone was you! When I said we're 'friends', I was upset because I wanted to be more than that! When I said there's only one object in the world, I said I think is cute, who did you think I was talking about!? YOU! I WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU!!" Leafy started to blush a little. "Really...?" Leafy asked. "YES! I'M SURPRISED YOU DIDN'T NOTICE! I MEAN, THERE WERE SEVERAL TIMES PENCIL PRACTICALLY TOLD YOU!!! THERE WERE TIMES WHEN I PRACTICALLY TOLD YOU!! YOU'RE SO FUCKING CLUELESS!" Leafy frowned. "Oh..." Leafy wasn't sure how to respond. "Well... Um..." She sighed. "I- Um..." Leafy stumbled over her words. "What?" Firey asked. "I don't like you that way, Firey..." Leafy felt really bad, especially since she ignored him for nearly a week, then he had to find this out. They both just stood there, staring at each other.

Leafy felt as bad as Firey had felt heartbroken. (Did that make sense-) "Firey..." Leafy started. "Hm?" Firey responded. "Are you okay...?" Leafy asked. "Sure." Firey stated. Leafy frowned. "I want the truth." Leafy said. "That is the truth." Firey turned around and walked away. He felt completely embarrassed and ashamed. He just went far enough away that Leafy would never be able to find him. Then he sat down.

And he cried.

Leafy felt really bad. She realized that he probably felt even worse because she was constantly telling him he's cute and how much she loves him, etc. She felt bad for giving him such mixed signals, and then rejecting him right after. After giving Firey a couple days to be away from the one that just rejected him, Leafy went looking for him.

Firey, who was no longer made of metal, sat beside a pond, just staring at it. Even after having to be around it constantly while metal, he still didn't really like water. He put his hand in, then immediately pulled it out. And unlike what he expected, Leafy found him. "I'd stay away. Water can get tempting. Especially as a suicide method." Leafy mentioned. "GAH!" Firey turned around. "I'd know a lot about that-" Leafy continued. "That's exactly why I'm not staying away..." Firey whispered. "Huh?" Leafy asked. "Nothing." Firey replied. Leafy stared at him for a minute. "If you don't get away from the water, I will drag you away myself. Even if I have to melt myself to do so." Leafy stated. Firey hesitated before getting up and walking away. "Did I really hurt you that badly...?" Leafy asked. Firey didn't respond. "I'm sorry for giving you mixed signals, Firey... I just- I thought it would be normal for friends to talk to each other that way..." Leafy apologized. Firey couldn't even blame Leafy for not knowing how friends are supposed to talk to each other. "It's okay... You've never had a real friend, so I wouldn't expect you to know..." Firey said. Leafy smiled a little. "Are you upset with me...?" Leafy wondered. "More upset with myself for being an idiot..." Firey answered. "You're not an idiot." Leafy responded. "I sure screw up a lot for not being an idiot..." Firey argued. "Everyone screws up sometimes..." Leafy stated. "Besides... I-I should've known you'd never like me back- I don't even know why I fell in love with you in the first place!" Firey blushed from embarrassment. "Well, you can't really choose who you fall in love with, right?" Leafy tried to make Firey feel better. Firey shrugged. "And now we're always gonna be awkward now that you know how I actually feel about you-" Firey pointed out. "I don't think things could get more awkward between us, Firey..." Leafy chuckled a little. "And honestly, I'd rather keep talking to you, even if things were awkward, than be alone again... Because being alone can get... Well... Lonely..." Leafy reassured Firey. "Yeah, I know..." Leafy hugged Firey and he just pushed her away.

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