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 "Pleeaaassseeee!" Leafy went towards Firey, who was no longer metal. "No, no, no, nonononnonononononononononono NOOO!" Firey moved away. Leafy fell on her face. "Why don't you want my hugs? Don't you like them?" Leafy asked. "Maybe Yoyle Firey likes them, but normal Firey, does-" Leafy threw herself at him again. "NOT! Pencil better be back with those damn berries soon-" Firey complained. "Lucky for you, she barely left ten minutes ago." Leafy smiled. "WHYYYYYYYY!!!!" Leafy tried giving him a hug again. "STOP MAKING THIS DIFFICULT! JUST LET ME DIE!" Leafy shouted. "NO!" Leafy chased Firey around the cave. "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP! I'M NOT GONNA BURN YOU!" Firey screamed. "YES, YOU ARE! AND I'M GONNA MAKE YOU IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO! AND HOPEFULLY IT IS-" Leafy yelled. "NO!" Leafy tackled Firey, but he pushed her off of him. "COME ON! I WAS SO CLOSE TO FINALLY-" Leafy started. "I DON'T CARE! I AM NOT GONNA BURN YOU!" Firey shouted. "YES, YOU ARE!" Leafy stood up and she just fell right away. "I think I just broke my leg again-" Leafy said. "Good. Then you can stop chasing me, and Pencil can do something about it." Firey said. "Whatever." Leafy put her hand on her face, where it was still warm. 

"You burnt me... But you didn't even kill me... How long am I gonna have to be alive just suffering? If you and Pencil actually cared about me, you'd just let me die, because I'm not even doing anything but suffering..." Firey frowned. "Leafy, we're not letting you die because we're trying to stop that suffering." Firey said. "Letting me die would be easier..." Leafy looked away. "Well, nothing in life is easy." Firey said. "Pffft... Tell me about it..." Leafy's eyes teared up. "Literally nothing. Making friends, keeping friends, having conversation, being happy, being a good friend-" Firey interrupted Leafy. "Leafy, you're not a bad friend." Firey said. "Of course, I am. Why do you think I lost so many friends? Why do you think I stole Dream Island? Why do you think I continuously hurt you? Why do you think-" Leafy started. "I think you do those things because you have pent up emotions, that you refuse to talk about!" Firey replied. "Nobody wants to listen to me being whiny-" Leafy responded. "I don't think that's particularly "whiny", but we'll just go with that. I would definitely want to listen to you being "whiny" if it meant you talked to someone, instead of keeping everything to yourself." Leafy started to cry. "I keep everything to myself because no one actually cares!" Pencil came back as Leafy said that. "That is not true. I care! In fact, I even like-" Firey saw Pencil. "I EVEN LIKE TO LISTEN TO YOU RANTING! THAT'S WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY!" Firey said quickly. "Sure, flame boy. Eat some Yoyle berries now." Pencil smiled and rolled her eyes. Firey ate a couple Yoyle berries so that he'd turn metal. "Why do you like to listen to me ranting?" Leafy asked. "Uhhhh.... Because it helps you?" Firey said. "Barely. It just helps for barely any time." Leafy responded. "It stills helps, right?" Firey asked. "I guess so..." Leafy answered. "Then, why not talk instead of instantly going to attempt suicide?" Pencil asked. "Because even if it helps, and even if you've told me otherwise, it doesn't seem like anyone cares very much..."


pencil ruining everything when firey was about to confess >:(

so true pencil like slay

slay firey's attempts to confess love


Word Count: 587

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