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Things between Firey and Leafy had become a little more complicated. 

Well, yes, Leafy did treat him the same back at their "home", but when she was out somewhere with him, she was so much nicer and lenient with him. 


Leafy and Firey walked through Yoyle Land, which seemed to be endless. by sunset, the two had stopped walking. 

They sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"Leafy..." Firey started. "Yeah?" Leafy responded. "How did you... How did you deal with... everyone... "betraying" you, for lack of better words...?" Firey asked. "Well... If someone turns their back on you, you turn your back on them. It's just how the world works. Nothing will change the past, nothing can make everyone suddenly forgive you, and nothing can change someone for the better." To Firey it seemed so odd hearing her say that, knowing how the "old Leafy" used to be, being the exact opposite. "But something can change someone for the better..." Firey disagreed. "It can't. You'll always be a jerk, and I'll always be dumb. Nothing will change that! Ever." Seeing Leafy like this hurt Firey, knowing it was his fault she'd become this way.

"But... What made you change your mind?" Firey asked. "What? From my naive past self? I just got a tougher skin, Firey. I'm not the naive, sensitive, overly optimistic, fake, and overly friendly leaf I once was. You're telling me you liked the old me better?! What? I was easier to manipulate? I helped you win all the challenges back during BFDI? What? Tell me. Tell me, Firey!" Firey couldn't bring himself to respond. 

"Yeah, that's what I thought. I have enough self-respect to not let myself be treated like that anymore." Leafy got up and started to walk away, Firey following soon after. "But Leafy, no one tried to manipulate you-" Firey started. "Tell that to all the people who I LITERALLY DID THE CHALLENGES FOR!" Leafy shouted. "But-" Firey tried to speak. "CAN YOU JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH?! I DON'T CARE IF YOU WANT THE OLD ME BACK! SHE'S GONE! AND WILL ALWAYS BE GONE!" Leafy yelled. "She-" Firey tried again. "SHUT. IT." Firey stayed quiet. 

They walked the rest of the way home in complete silence.

"Leafy..." Firey started. "What do you want now?!" Leafy snapped. "It's about the self-respect thing..." Firey responded. "What about it?" Firey stayed quiet, still afraid of her, and what she has done to him. "Look, every object is either respectable or not. I didn't use to be respectable; my entire personality was fake. You used to be respectable. Then you shut me out like I was trash like I was a worthless piece of crap wasting all of your time. And you're still not respectable for that same reason. You still don't have any respect for anyone but yourself. It's too complicated, and I wouldn't expect a moron like you to understand." Leafy explained.


Morning came, and Leafy appeared to still be in a rather bad mood. "Leafy, why would you want to be all by yourself in Yoyle Land anyway? Why not just tell everyone what happened?" Firey wondered. "Because. I am by myself, you know why? You're alone in this world, and you always will be. There's no such thing as a friend because when you trust someone, you'll just get hurt. I have no friends, you have no friends, no one does. And no one ever will. That's just life." Leafy said. "Well then, what would happen if I were to trust you?" Firey asked. "You'd end up hurt." Leafy answered. "So, you'd intentionally hurt me to prove a point?" Firey questioned. "No. I never said that. I would hurt you. Intentionally or not. It's life, Firey. Nothing goes your way. Have you heard the saying "Live like there's no tomorrow"?" Leafy asked. "Yeah..." Firey responded. "That's because every day in this cruel world, the chances of there being no tomorrow just get bigger and bigger." Leafy explained in a dumbed down way. "I don't think that's true." Firey replied. "It is. Now let's go back." Leafy snapped. "Okay..." They went back.


Leafy walked back in. "Firey..." She was almost in tears. "What?" Firey asked. "I try to be nice... but I'm still hated..." Leafy cried. "Well... Maybe it's because you're not being genuine..." Firey suggested. "I'm... Sometimes I feel like I hate you..." Leafy said, sitting beside Firey. "Oh-" Firey said. "But, other times, I remember you're the only thing I have left anymore..." Firey frowned. He wasn't sure what to do about this, or what to say. "Oh..." Firey started. "That's it?! Oh?! I'm trying to ask for help, and all I get is 'oh'?! What kind of a jerk does that! At least act like you care!" Leafy shouted, getting up. "I do care! I just, don't know what to say... I'm sorry!" Firey insisted. "Whatever. Jerks will be jerks I guess." Leafy said to herself. She started to cry and ran off. "STAY AWAY FROM ME FOREVER!" Leafy shouted as she ran away. "LEAFY WAIT!" Leafy ran too fast for him to keep up with her. "What did I do..." Firey stood still, contemplating everything that just happened.


wowie 🤩

slay the day away

anyway this chapter is short and that's after i added 200 words to what was already here 💀

Word Count: 888

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