Yoyle City

433 14 19

"Now Firey..." Leafy turned to him. "Yeah...?" Firey asked. "If you make the slightest sound after we get there, we could both end up dead. And not recovered. And by could, I mean will." Firey stared. "That's... yeah... Um... Okay, I'll try and stay quiet." Firey responded. "There's no trying! It's stay quiet or die! I would know, I've been attacked countless times... There's those who try, and those who succeed. We're not gonna be the ones who try." Leafy snapped. "Obivousl-" Leafy glared at him. "Sorry..." Firey said quickly. "Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "If you say anything more stupid, rude, or annoying, my eyes might just roll out of my head." She said harshly. "Sorry... But, this'll sound rude, but........" Firey hesitated, deciding whether he should finish or not. "But what?!" Leafy asked, impatiently. "But... What's... wrong...with you..." Firey waited for her to shout, but instead, she looked sad. "A lot..." Leafy responded, dryly. "No! That's- I-" Firey stammered. "Whatever, Firey. Just drop it." Firey frowned. "But- I didn't mean it like that!-" Leafy turned to him again. "How else would you mean it?!" She asked, getting increasingly annoyed. "I just meant...why are you so moody all the time?..." Firey asked. "It's not like I made a lot of friends, lost them all, and then think I finally have a friend again but the object I think is my friend KEEPS PLAYING WITH MY EMOTIONS!!!" Firey stayed silent. "Sorry..." He said quietly. "Whatever. Are we going or not?" Firey shrugged. "Let's go then. If we're lucky Freesmart will see me again." Firey couldn't help but feel bad for all the pain he has, and keeps, causing Leafy. 


Leafy and Firey arrived at Yoyle City. They just walked around the empty streets. If it weren't for the tall buildings, they would've felt the cold, strong wind blowing against them. What Leafy had said about death really scared Firey. Even their footsteps seemed so loud, and his heart was pounding so fast, he half wondered if Leafy could hear it. "Leafy... It's really creepy here at night..." Firey worried. "Oh quit being a baby. You spent months here alone at night." Leafy rolled her eyes. "No... There was always someone there..." Firey insisted. "Whatever. As I said, quit being a baby. I do this all the time." Firey's pace slowed down. 

Firey stared down at his legs, which were betraying him. They felt heavy, and like he was unable to move them. And before he even knew it he stopped. He wasn't able to move. He saw something, or rather... Someone... And Leafy told him that it was Freesmart that had attacked her. And it was a tall figure. He tried to talk, but it was like he had no control over his mouth. Leafy just kept walking. His legs shook, and his eyes wandered. His mind seemed to play the same words on loop.

I don't want to die... I don't want Leafy to die... I don't want to die... I don't want Leafy to die...

Over, and over, and over. "Firey...?" Leafy turned around. She walked back towards him. "Are you okay?" Leafy asked, quietly. "It- ah- th- yu-ai- hm- nnn- There-" Firey struggled, slowly raising his hand to point. "What?!" "Behind you-" He managed. Leafy turned around. "There's nothing there..." Leafy got mad. "I'm gonna faint-" Firey warned. "Come on, Firey, let's get you somewhere safer." Leafy brought Firey to an abandoned building. "What's going on?" Firey didn't respond. "You were just seeing things, I promise..." Leafy assured him. "Are you sure...?" Firey asked, still panicking. "I'm positive." Leafy suddenly realized. "Is this because of what I said before we left?" Firey stayed silent. "Come on, Firey. If it is, we can go back now." Leafy offered. "It is..." Firey responded. "Well, one, I promise FreeSmart won't see us..." Leafy assured him. "But you said they want me!!" Firey worried. "I know, I know, but. I won't let them get you. I throw knives and stab things for fun, Firey. Don't you think you're safe with me?" Leafy reminded him. "Considering I was one of the things you stabbed for fun-" He put his hand over his eye without really thinking about it. "Firey, don't be like that... It wasn't for fun..." Leafy said, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry... I- I just want to go back home..." Firey insisted. "Fine. And I'm sorry for scaring you." Leafy hugged him, and like that, they went home to Yoyle Land.


Hizzey, gizzirls! Yizzall hizzave t' mizzove izzout the wizzay sizzo Izzi cizzan gizzet pizzast...

I say wizzat????? Nizzo-izzo wizzay!

Yizzall bizzetter mizzove!

I say wizzat??? Wilze illzain't millzovin'...

Shillzu-gillzar ....., bilzzaby!

Wilze illzare plizzayin' dizzuble dizzutch
Dizzouble dizzutch
Dizzouble dizzutch!

Wilze illzare plizzayin' dizzuble dizzutch
Dizzouble dizzutch
Dizzouble dizzutch!

Wilze illzare plizzayin' dizzuble dizzutch
Dizzouble dizzutch
Dizzouble dizzutch!

Millze cillzan sillzome ...plilzay dizzouble dizzutch!


My gizzirl!

Brillzing her izzin!

Izzo kizzay!

Izzall rizzight...

Izzo kizzay

Izzall rizzight! Nizzow wizzee wilzzo-izzo-zee!

*cool music*

Word Count: 810

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