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Firey was struggling to bring Leafy to the pond, where Pencil was waiting for them. Firey kept running into trees, and Leafy kept falling. "No- Just- Firey! FIREY! You're gonna run into the tree!" Leafy said. "Sorry! I can barely see! It's too dark!" Firey apologized. "Whatever. I have an idea." Leafy stated. "What?" Firey asked. "You carry me, since I can barely walk, and I'll be your eyes." Leafy suggested. "Um. Okay." Firey agreed.  Leafy got on Firey's back. "Okay, just go forward." Firey did whatever Leafy told him, then he put her down when they got close. "Okay, now just like stay there or else you'll fall in." Firey said. Leafy tripped while walking, falling into the water. "Like that..." Firey added. Leafy climbed out. "Now I'm cold." Leafy hugged Firey. "Wh-" Pencil watched as Firey started blushing like crazy. "Give me your body heat-" Leafy said. "I barely even have any now that I'm metal-" Firey mentioned. "So don't be metal." Leafy said. "Then you'll burn." Firey responded. "I don't care. If I burned, would I still be cold?" Leafy asked. "Actually, yes. You'd feel cold because of shock." Pencil intruded. "Not if I burnt all the way to death." Leafy stated. "Well yes. But then you'd be dead, meaning you wouldn't be warm either." "Why do you like to be a know it all?" Leafy spat. "I'm just trying to invalidate your obsessive need to be burned." Pencil responded. "Sorrryyy that I'm cold and suicidal." The three of them stayed quiet. Leafy ended up falling asleep. And Firey stayed a blushy mess now that Leafy was sleeping in his lap. 

"When are you gonna ever tell her?" Pencil smirked. "Never! Never ever ever!" Firey answered. "It's just getting more and more obvious, I'm sure she'll notice if you don't tell her." Pencil mentioned. "It's- It's that obvious...?" Firey asked. "Yes. She stares at you when you blush a lot." Pencil told him. "Oh gosh- Please tell me that's all she does." Firey begged. "Sure. We'll go with that." Pencil said. "What?! What else does she do!?" Firey asked. "Well, sometimes you look kind of zoned out, and she'll ask why you're blushing like that, and you'll just keep staring at nothing and not answering." Pencil stated. "WHAT!? SHE ASKS ME THAT!?" Firey covered his mouth and hoped he hadn't woken Leafy up. Which he hadn't. He let out a sigh of relief. "Yes. On several occasions." Pencil responded. "Oh my gosh- She probably already knows-" Firey frowned. "I wouldn't go that far. Remember, she still thinks you hate her." Pencil reminded him. "Oh yeah. Thank gosh..." Soon Firey and Pencil also fell asleep, since it was so late. 

In the morning when Firey woke up, Leafy was no longer in his lap, but he didn't see her. "Leafy? Are you here?" Firey asked, rubbing his eye. "Yeah, I'm behind you." Leafy answered. "Where were you?" Firey asked. "I went to Yoyle Land to get a few things." Leafy answered. "Like what?" Firey wondered. "More Yoyle berries, my knives, more cloth, just in case." Leafy responded. "Oh, okay." Firey said. "Oh, and this stitching stuff. Since we all know someone's gonna need it with me around-" Leafy added. "Probably you." Firey said. "Yeah... I know... But that's beside the point." Leafy replied. "Anyway, is Pencil still asleep?" Leafy asked. "No, I'm not." Pencil responded. "Oh, okay." Leafy said. "Don't forget what I talked to you about last night, Firey." Pencil reminded Firey, knowing Leafy would get curious. "What did you talk with Pencil about last night?" Leafy asked. "N-Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Nothing at all! Why would we have talked? That's ridiculous! Ahahahaha!" Firey laughed. "Um. Kay then- You know, social interaction.... exists... That... That would be a good reason to talk..." Leafy said. "Ahahhaha, that's funny, Leafy. But you know what else is funny? How I... Um... need to... Go... Go away. Over there. Away from you-" Firey chuckled.

 "Wh-" Firey walked away. "Smooth." Pencil said. "What do you mean?" Leafy asked. "Nothing." Pencil answered. "Does Firey hate me?" Leafy wondered. "No. It's not that." Pencil responded."If you say so..." 


i removed the art bc it was mad ugly ojnibhugvyfdtxrtcfvgbhml

Word Count: 724

i kinda hate the frist pic ngl

its like disproportionate or smth idk

(i think leafys too big and fireys too small)

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