Attempted Escape

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Firey sat alone, trembling and scared. He wanted to cry, but he knew if he did, Leafy would just do something terrible to him. He just wanted out of this. He started to cry. Leafy went over to the metal flame. She stared at the tears that rolled down his cheeks. She looked specifically at his right cheek, which had pink tears. She cleared her throat. "Let me look at your eye, Firey... I'll see what I can do about it..." She kneeled in front of him and untied the blindfold. Firey covered his eye. Leafy carefully pulled his arm down. Leafy gently wiped the tears off his cheek, which made him jump. "It's okay..." Leafy lifted his eyelid carefully. "It hurts..." He quietly whined. "I know, Firey..." She didn't know what to do. She had already done so much irreversible damage. "Mm... I'll have to go find some water..." Leafy wished there was a different way to clean it out since he hates water, but there's really no other way. She left to go to the lake. Firey just cried the whole time.


Once Leafy got back she was gonna clean Firey's eye. She started to slowly pour the water into his eye. "Stop! Stop! It hurts! It hurts! Stop!" Firey cried. "Firey, Firey... I'm trying to help you..." More pink fluid poured down his face. "It hurts! Stop it! Stop! Please! It hurts!" He let out a loud sob. Leafy didn't want to hurt him so badly again, but it was her own doing, and so she was responsible for fixing it. "Stay. Here. And don't touch your eye." He nodded. Leafy made her way out to the city again. She found an old hospital and took stitching supplies, then returned back. But Firey was gone.


Firey ran. He didn't know where he was going. But he just ran. "HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY!... Anybody..." He fell to his knees and just cried. He just wanted it to be back how it was. Before Leafy stole Dream Island, before everyone chased her away, before he was put in a cage, before they were all stranded in Yoyle City. Firey ran towards the city.


Coiny and Pin were walking about the city streets, minding their own business, when they heard a familiar voice calling out for help. A metal flame went stumbling down the hill, making a clanking sound every time he hit the road. "Firey?!" They started to run after him, but he was falling too fast. "I know a quicker way!" Coiny started rolling down the hill. "Coiny! How are you gonna stop?!" She ran faster, falling a few times as she ran. Coiny thudded against the HPRC, then Firey did too. "Are you both okay?" Firey covered his eye. "SHES COMING! HELP ME PLEASE! SHES COMING!" He kept running. "Firey, wait!" Coiny chased after him and tackled him to the ground. "PUT ME BACK IN THE CAGE! AND DONT LET ANYONE UP THERE! PLEASE YOU GOTTA HELP ME!" Coiny pulled Firey's hand off his eye. "W-What hap- Who's coming?" Coiny asked, concerned. "I can't tell you! Just let me go! Let me run away! Help me!" He started crying. "Firey, your eye is bleeding..." Coiny said. "I know! Let me go!" Coiny started dragging him off towards one of the abandoned houses. "Coiny, what're you doing?!" Pin asked. "I'm going to do something about it. If anyone sees him, he'll be put back in that dumb cage." Coiny answered. "That's what he wants! He was asking to go back!" Pin said, unsure of what either Coiny or Firey are talking about. "Well, I'm not letting him." Pin followed him.


Once the three objects were at the house Pin and Coiny were gonna do something about Firey's... erm... "eye". "Firey, sit down." He sat against the wall. Pin sat in front of him. She covered his left eye. "Can you still see?" She asked. "Mm-mm... I can't see." Firey answered. "What happened?" Pin asked. "I can't tell you-..." Firey responded. "Coiny, go get a towel and water..." He went to grab those things. Pin took the towel and wiped the goopy discharge coming out of his eye. Then the poured the water in his eye to clean out any dirt or bacteria. "Firey, I'm gonna stitch your eye..." He nodded. She poked the needle through his skin and started to stitch shut his eye. "Stop! stop! It hurts! Stop it!" He tried to back away, but he couldn't. After Pin and Coiny finished taking care of that they just let him cry for a little bit. But they kept a close eye on him, since they don't know how long it'd be until the metal wore off, and he would have to stop crying or eat more Yoyle berries. Firey sat there shaking and sobbing. Until he eventually quieted down. "You alright now, bud?" He nodded. "Don't worry, you're safe here. We won't let anyone know you came back or put you back in that cage." Coiny assured him. "And we won't let "her" get you." They both know that promise couldn't be kept, because they don't know who "she" is.


Leafy had gotten Firey back, by kidnapping him again. "You didn't tell anyone I did this, did you?" Leafy quickly asked. "Mm-mm! I didn't tell anyone." Firey responded, scared. She shoved yoyle berries into his mouth. She tied a blindfold back around him. "We can't have you running away again, now can we?" Leafy asked as she tied one of his arms. 


Wow wow wowie 🤩🤩🤩

kind of a short chapter but that is a o k

Word Count: 937

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