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Leafy now keeps Firey practically on a leash. "Firey... You still haven't answered my question..." Firey mumbled the answer, quiet enough Leafy couldn't hear. "Speak up, dang it!" Leafy snapped. "I-I can't!...-" He turned away, sobbing and shaking, scared of Leafy. "Just answer, the freaking, question! We've been doing this for the past hour, I'm done with your crap, Firey! Now answer the god dang question!" Leafy shouted. "Pin and Coiny... Pin and Coiny did..." His voice shook when he spoke, and he didn't stop trembling or crying. "Really?" Leafy asked. "Yes! It was really them! D-Don't hurt me!" He let out a sob. Firey has never been in such distress. He's never been so upset. Leafy felt bad, but the damage was done. Besides, everyone already knows she's a mean person, she already has that reputation set for herself, so it's too late to change. "Now, Firey, I'll be gone for a while, so you have to stay here! There WILL be punishments if you don't!" Leafy left.


Firey listened to Leafy. But that is only because he was still too scared to move. By time Leafy was back, Firey was still sobbing. Leafy just felt bad. She gently placed a hand on Firey's hand, which made him let out another sob and pull away with a jump. "Firey..." He jumped again he can't help but be terrified of her. She took the cloth off of Firey's eyes. Firey looked at her, terrified. "Firey..." He jumped. "I-..." Leafy knew she can't apologize. She already has that god dang reputation. "It's okay." She grabbed his hand. He tried to pull away at first, but once he realized she wasn't gonna do anything he stopped. Leafy wiped the tears off his cheek. "It's alright..." His breathing was still heavy. Soon his shaking and crying eased down. "There we go, just like that... Just take deep breaths... You're okay..." Leafy sort of pet Firey. Leafy gave him a gentle hug. "I-I'm... s-s-sorr-y-y...." Firey apologized. "You don't need to apologize, Firey. Besides, it's not your fault they stitched your eye. They were just helping you." Leafy pet Firey again, and he let out a little whimper.


"Firey! Firey! Where'd you go?!" Coiny called, not being careful of anyone who might here him. "We just want to help you we won't hurt you!" Pin called. Pin and Coiny wandered around looking for the flame but couldn't seem to find him. "I don't understand, did we do something wrong?" Pin wondered. "Well, I'd imagine getting stitches without any kind of numbing hurts, so maybe he thought we were trying to hurt him?" Coiny suggested. "Regardless, we should stop calling out for him, we did promise after all, right?" Pin reminded him. "Right..." They walked in silence. "Coiny..." Pin started. "Yes?" Coiny responded. "This is gonna seem odd, and probably rude, but... Why do you even care so much about Firey lately?" Pin asked, knowing his previous hatred toward Firey. "What? Care? Pfffft, I just feel bad for the flame..." Coiny looked away. "I know that's not why. Even if you did, you wouldn't care, you're rivals, right?" Pin asked. "I guess... Just... Maybe we're more like... Frenemies? I don't know... Even if we were rivals though, no object deserves that. Being locked in a cage for months, whatever happened to his eye, and... possibly losing their mind..." They continued to walk around quietly. "Who do you think "she" is?" Pin wondered. "I don't know. I'd guess Needle, she told me she's seen Firey, she said he seemed really panicked." Coiny answered. "I guess so, but why would he want to stay so hidden?" Pin asked. "I don't know." Coiny responded. "Clearly it's not to avoid going into the cage again, he was begging to go back." Pin thought for a moment. "Wait... It's not that he wants to stay secret, it's got to be something serious! He's afraid of heights! And that's the highest point in the whole city!" Coiny said, knowing he was lying to himself. "That's true..." Pin shrugged. "We shouldn't tell anyone yet though, right?" Pin asked. "Right." Coiny answered.


Leafy unblindfolded Firey. "Y'know, Firey..." He looked up at her. "I think I trust you enough to keep this off you. For the time being. When I leave again it's gonna have to go back on, regardless of if I trust you or not." Firey didn't respond. "You know you can talk to me, right?!" She said in an angry tone. "S-Sorry..." Firey quickly apologized. "I know you still know me, I'm not stupid! You sit here acting like you haven't the slightest clue who I am! But I KNOW that you know me! Do it! Say my name, Firey!" He stayed quiet. "Say my name, Firey! If you don't want to get hurt, just say my name!" Leafy threatened. "Leafy! Y-Your name is- is Leafy..." Firey said, quickly. "See? Was that SO hard?" Firey stayed silent. "Now that you've acknowledged that you still know me, stop trying to hide it." Firey stayed quiet. "CAN YOU TALK DANG IT?! I KNOW HOW MUCH YOU LOVE TO! I KNOW YOU'RE CAPABLE OF IT! I FREAKING-" Firey started to cry and shake again, afraid Leafy would hurt him. He put his hands over his eyes, and pulled his legs up against his body. Leafy sighed. "Can you shut up, please? You don't have to cry every time I raise my voice at you. You're so scared of me for what? I saved you, Firey! If it weren't for me, you'd still be locked up in that cage!" Firey didn't fall for her trickery this time. 

"Yeah, I'm just locked up here instead." He said in an angry tone.

"What did you just say to me?" Leafy asked, getting even angrier than she already had been. "You heard me." Firey responded, wiping his tears. "YOU'RE UNGRATEFUL? I WENT THROUGH ALL THAT EFFORT TO HELP YOU, TO GET YOU OUT OF THAT HECK HOLE, AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?! I DID IT BECAUSE I CARED ABOUT YOU! YOU'RE JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS!" Leafy thought of a way to easily manipulate him. "YOU HATE ME JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!" Leafy started to cry, to make her act more real. "YOU ALWAYS HAVE! AND YOU ALWAYS WILL! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I EXIST! NOBODY HAS EVER WANTED ME ANYWAY!" Firey obviously fell for her tricks and began to feel guilty. "I'm sorry... I-" He didn't know what to say. "I should be more grateful, I didn't like the cage, I didn't like listening to people talk about how bad they feel for me, I didn't like listening to Free Smart laughing about it, I didn't like how high up it was, I didn't like any of it, and you saved me from there... I'll shut up now..." Firey looked away, feeling guilty.



this chapter is significantly longer than the last version of it

Word Count: 1157

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