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Firey and Leafy just walked through Yoyle Land together, mostly just talking to each other. "Well, if that's the case, Firey... Can you answer this?" Leafy asked. "Answer what?" Firey asked. "If there's only one object that's cute, how did I manage to get stuck with him? Of all the objects, and I get stuck with the only one." Firey's face warmed up. "You might even be cuter than Rocky." Firey just stayed quiet, while being a blushing mess. "Did I embawwass wittew Fiwey-?" Leafy teased. "One. Don't talk to me like that. And two... yes..." Firey mumbled the last part. Leafy chuckled. "There's just one thing that's not so cute..." Leafy mentioned. "And what's that...?" Firey almost immediately regretted asking that. "Your lack of knife handling abilities. I mean, there's nothing, and I mean nothing more fascinating, and impressive, and loveable, than someone who knows how to use a knife." Leafy smiled. "Must really love yourself then-" Firey mentioned. "What?" Leafy completely missed what Firey was trying to say. "Never mind-" Leafy stared at him for a minute. "Kay then-" She said, before continuing to walk. 

"You know, Firey..." Leafy started. "Hm?" Leafy turned to face him. "You're a really good friend." Firey both felt incredibly happy about that, and completely broken by that. "What...? Friend?" "Um. Yes? Friend. F-R-I-E-N-D." Leafy spelled it out. "Mhm. That's what we are..." Firey sighed. "What do you mean by that...?" Leafy frowned. "Wh- I- I meant-" Firey started. "You hate me, don't you...?" Leafy immediately assumed the worse, which wasn't that unexpected. "I- I don't-" Firey started. "Don't even bother lying. I know it's true." Leafy walked away from Firey, upset. "Again, Firey?- Why are you a screw up?-" Firey followed Leafy. "Leafy, I don't hate you, I really don't!" Firey repeated. "I don't believe you." Leafy frowned. "It's just..."



Word Count: 316

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