What is this? ~Special chapter~

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This is the only chapter (apart from any possible special ones in the future) that will be like this
This is from Firey's POV


Leafy and I walked through the seemingly endless ground that is called Yoyle Land. Neither of us spoke. I don't know why she didn't, but I actually have a reason. It's suddenly super hard to talk to her, and being around her gets me flustered, and warm as if I weren't made of Yoyle metal. When I'm near her my stomach twists in a strange kind of way. When I talk to her I stammer. And I just want to know what this is... 

"Hey Firey!" Leafy exclaimed. "Y-Yeah?" I answered. "Look how pretty the clouds are!" I looked up at the sky. "W-Wow, they're really pretty, you're- you're right..." They're nowhere close to as pretty as her. Out of nowhere she grabbed my hand. I yanked it away. "ACK!" I said, surprised. "Oh-... Sorry..." Leafy apologized. "No! It's- It's fine... It- It just-" I stuttered. "Are you okay...?" Leafy asked. "I'm fine! It just sup-surprised me, that's- that's all!" I answered. "No, I mean... You're acting like you did when... Uh... When I first... stole you..." Leafy said. "What?! No! No, I'm not!" I responded. "Are you scared of me? Is it because of yesterday? Is it because of me running off? Is it because I told you I don't want pity? Is it-" Leafy kept asking over and over. "NO! I'm- I'm not scared of you! I just..." I didn't know what to say. "You just... what?" Leafy questioned. "I-" Leafy frowned. "If you're not scared of me..., DO YOU HATE ME AGAIN!?" Her eyes watered up. "NO! NO! NONNONONONONONONONONONO! I DO NOT HATE YOU!" I quickly answered. "Then just tell me what it is!" "I- I can't-" I responded. "Why not?!" She asked. "I don't know what it is! I just feel... Different..." I answered. "Ohhh, maybe the side effects of the Yoyle berries are kicking in... It took me awhile too..." The-

What the what?! Yoyle berries have side effects other than turning you to metal?!

"What do you feel like?" Leafy asked, concerned. "I- I don't know... Warm, my stomach feels weird, nervous, shaky..." I started. "Wait-" Leafy interrupted. "What?" I asked. "Is it... Like, 24/7?" Leafy wondered. "N-No? It's only- only when I think about... something..." I answered. "Something, or someone?" A smile grew across her face. "Well- I guess it would be someone..." I replied.  "EEEEEK! YOU'RE IN LOVE! FIREY'S IN LOVE! Who is it?!" Leafy asked, excited. "I-" Crap.

What am I supposed to do here?

"I can't tell you..." I answered. "Why not?" She asked. "Because I'm not sure!" I sure hope she doesn't catch onto this lie... "Wh- What do you mean you're not sure?!" Leafy asked, a look of confusion on her face. "It happens when I think about... Several objects!" I responded. "Is it someone back in Yoyle City?" Leafy asked. "M-Maybe? I don't know where they are... Can we change the subject...?" I quickly asked. "Sure..." Leafy stayed quiet after that.

Well. I didn't think I was in love with her... But Leafy is very enthusiastic about it... She ships everyone together... So, she clearly knows what she's talking about... But... Why would I be in love with her? I don't like her like that... I never would! We're just friends, and everyone else thinks I don't even know her! 

My thoughts got interrupted by her screaming my name. "FIREY!" Leafy screamed. "WHAT?!" I asked, panicked. "Sheeesh. I've been shouting your name for the past minute!" Leafy said, annoyed. "What?! What!??" I asked repeatedly. "Why are you staring at me!?" Leafy "I- I'm not staring! I-I-" She frowned. "GOOD LEAF!" I patted her head. "That may have worked on the old me, but that doesn't work now." She had to hold back a smile, and I could tell. "C-Crap... I just... I didn't think- think I was..." I started. "Fine." She crossed her arms and sped up. Great. This ended well last time.

But something about it was... really cute... And my face got really hot. "Are you coming?!" She didn't even turn back. I couldn't walk. I can't move my legs. I'm trembling. What is wrong with me?! "I-I-" I took a breath and continued to follow her.

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