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"And she's just so fucking annoying! Like, she didn't even have to tie me up!" Leafy whined. "Whatchu talking about, Leafy?" Pencil asked, as she came back. "Talking shit behind my back?" Pencil asked. "You deserve it anyway." Leafy spat. "And you deserve the concussion you got. Again." Pencil scoffed. "Look, I thought if I just kept jumping maybe I'd eventually die! And I thought if I drowned myself, I'd die! But stupid Firey pulled me out of the water." Leafy insulted. "I wasn't gonna just let you drown-" Firey said, sadly. "Should've." Leafy responded. "Stop saying that, it makes me sad-" Firey said. "Why? Because I was right? I'm so depressing no one wants to be around me because I just make them depressed too?" Leafy asked. "No, it makes me feel sad when you talk about killing yourself-" Firey replied. "How often does she do it?" Pencil asked, concerned. "Every single second!" Firey answered sadly. "I'm not doing it right now, am I?" Leafy said. "I was exaggerating-" Firey responded. "I couldn't tell." Leafy replied. "You're-" Firey started. "Leaving. I'm leaving. You're right." Leafy interrupted. Leafy got up and just started walking away. "Where do you even plan on going, idiot?" Pencil asked. "I don't know." Leafy responded. "You're not gonna get very far." Pencil mentioned. "Says who?" Leafy just fell. "Your sprained knee. That's what happens when you jump out of a tree. Several times... All day..." Pencil instigated. "Whatever, idiot." Leafy spat. "Though, you gotta admit, it's pretty impressive a sprained knee is all she got apart from a concussion and a broken arm with how many times she jumped out of the trees." Firey stated. "Shut up. Both of you. If you were majorly suicidal you would do it too." Leafy spat. "No. I would do something that'd actually kill me, like set myself on fire, or something." Pencil argued. "Speaking of setting on fire- I'm not sure how much longer I'll go without burning this whole forest down." Firey said. "Don't worry, idiot. The Evil Forest can't burn." Leafy insulted. "Oh... Weird." Firey said. "But I can! I'll just give you a big hug when you're not metal anymore! Thanks for the idea, Pencil." Pencil turned to Firey. "I'm gonna go find some Yoyle berries for you-" Pencil said. "Good idea-" Pencil left. 

"Wait what did Pencil say?" Leafy asked. "She didn't say anything." Firey lied. "Liar. Now help me up." Firey helped Leafy stand up. But as they walked back, Leafy tripped and there was a cracking noise. "There goes just a sprained knee-" Firey said. Leafy stayed silent. "Are you okay...?" Firey asked. "Yes. I don't even care anymore." Leafy groaned. "Stay here, I'll be back." Firey went and found Pencil, since she wasn't far yet, and asked her to get cloth for Leafy, so Pencil did so. After about two hours Pencil came back with a cloth tied into a bag, full of Yoyle berries, and a second cloth. "Here Firey, there's the Yoyle berries. And why exactly did Leafy need this?" Pencil wondered. "Just touch her leg." Pencil grabbed Leafy's leg and could feel that the bone was broken. "Sheesh. What did she do?" Pencil asked. "She tripped." Firey responded. "Sure she didn't jump out a tree again?" Pencil said sarcastically. Leafy sat up. "You know, Firey. I can speak for myself." Leafy spat. "Not when you're lying face first in the dirt-" Pencil pointed out. "I could easily sit up whenever I wanted to." Leafy laid back down. Pencil wrapped the cloth around Leafy's leg to stop the bleeding. "Now my arm and leg are broken. Yay!" Leafy scoffed. "Why is that good?" Firey asked. "I was being sarcastic-" Leafy responded. "Oh-" Firey replied. "It hurts like hell." Leafy said. "Maybe don't jump out of tree so much." Pencil said. "127 attempts, to be exact." Firey added on. "Why did you count how many times I jumped?" Leafy asked. "I was hoping you'd give up before 50." Firey sighed. "I didn't even want to give up after 127. Just Pencil physically wouldn't let me." Leafy said."Go ahead Leafy, try climbing a tree with a broken arm." Pencil said. "I could if I had a knife." 


ah leafy doesnt learn

its 11:30 at night and i need to sleep bc i have a lot of homework to do tomorrow onibhyuvgtygubhjn um

Word Count: 732

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