Taken Away

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"NO LET GO OF ME! LET ME GO!" Firey screamed. "We only want to help you!" Pencil lied. "Oh, come on! Don't even bother lying to him at this point, Pencil! Just hurry up and get him!" Golfball snapped. "That's, like, easier said than done!" Match said, as she pulled one of Firey's arms. "He can't POSSIBLY be strong enough to get away from both of you! You incompetent imbiciles!" Golfball groaned. "LET ME GOO! I DON'T WANT TO GO! I'M HAPPY HERE! I DON'T NEED ANY OF YOU! LET ME GOOOOO! AHHHHHH! LET ME GO!" Firey pulled and kicked to try and get away. After a few minutes of struggling, Match got Firey tied up. "Ugh, that took, like, forever! Can we go back now?" Match asked, impatiently. "Yes. We can." Golfball stated as she turned around. Firey tried to take the gag out of his mouth, with his tied-up arms. "MMMMFFF MHHH MPHPPPHP!" Firey grumbled. "Firey, there's no point wasting your breath." Golfball stated harshly. But Firey immediately stopped struggling after he saw something, that no one else could. Following behind them, was Leafy. Leafy threw a knife into the back of pencil's head, and it went all the way through her, causing her to just drop dead. "WHAT!?" Golfball turned around. Leafy was just lying on the ground, but since she's 2D, no one saw her. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" Golfball shouted angrily. "OMG! PENCE-PENCE!" Match just left Tennisball and Golfball, and immediately started running back to the city, to recover Pencil. "MATCH WAIT! YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE OF US WITH ARMMMSSSSS!!!" Match just kept running. "Fine then. That leaves me no choice." Golfball went over to Firey and bit his arm. He just kicked her away, even with his legs tied up. "GAH!" She shouted. "GB, maybe we should just call it quits...?" Tennisball asked hopefully. "Fine. But we'll find him again soon. Before he's with Leafy again." Golfball insisted. "Fine." Golfball started to walk back to the city. Tennisball bit the cloth sticking out of Firey's mouth and pulled it out. "That's the most I can do for you, buddy. No arms. But I do suggest getting as far away from here as possible..." Firey was shocked that Tennisball was actually helping him. "TENNISBALL! HURRY UP!" Tennisball started to run to catch up. "COMING GB!" 

Once the two of them were gone, Leafy went over Firey. She untied him, then started dragging him by the arm. She didn't say a word to him. "Thank you, Leafy-" Firey said, sighing in relief. "Don't. Bother." Firey was confused. "Huh?" Firey said stupidly. "I don't want your stupid- uh- thank yous." Leafy groaned. "But-" Firey started. "I DON'T CARE! I didn't even have to save you, Firey! But I did it anyway! And you keep being fake anyway!" Leafy snapped. "But I really mean it, Leafy... I'm sorry for what happened." Leafy let go of him. "YOU LIAR! YOU STUPID LITTLE LIAR! THAT'S WHAT YOU SAY EVERY TIME! YOU'RE FAKE! YOU'RE JUST A STUPID LITTLE LIAR! YOU KNOW WHAT!? I'LL TURN BOTH OF US IN TO GOLFBALL! THAT WAY BOTH OUR PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE STUCK WITH ME! AND I DON'T HAVE TO BE ALIVE!" Leafy started to drag him towards the city. "LEAFY STOP!" Firey shouted, in a way Leafy had never heard before, and she got a little scared. "I'M TIRED OF YOUR CONSTANT DRAMA! AND FOR ONCE YOU'RE GOING TO LISTEN TO ME! YOU'RE GONNA GO BACK WITH ME! YOU'RE NOT GONNA ARGUE! AND YOU'RE GONNA SIT THERE AND LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!" Despite being known for being a murderous jerk, and the fact that she had a knife with her, she felt scared. She'd never seen Firey so angry.

Neither of them said anything to each other the whole walk back. And Leafy did what Firey told her. She sat and listened to what he had to say.


whas this

 short chapter

Word Count: 664

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