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Leafy had made some progress on changing. Instead of leaving after she got really mad and blew up at Firey, she would always leave to calm down, to prevent the blowing up at Firey. She also tried her hardest to not hit him or call him names when mad. Though she still did it, but not nearly as frequently. 

Leafy laid there on the ground, with Firey sitting beside her. "Firey, do you think everyone left me because they could tell I wasn't happy? And they didn't want me making them sad too?" Leafy asked, sadly. "I don't think so. I don't even think anyone knew you weren't happy." Firey answered. "How?" Leafy asked. "You were really good at hiding it, I guess. You seemed happier than anyone else ever did. BFDI was kind of horrible." Firey responded. "Really?" Leafy asked. "Yeah. People say that okay people fake depression, but they never point out that people with depression fake being okay." Firey stated. "I guess so..." Leafy just laid there. "You hate me, don't you?" Leafy suddenly asked. "What? No! Why would I?!" Firey worried. "Because I treat you horribly. I stabbed, I hit you, I kicked you, I ripped out your eye, I kicked out Pencil who actually kept you company..." Leafy went on.  "I don't care about those things. Just... Everyone takes their anger out on something." Firey answered. "Yeah, something not someone." Leafy said.  "Well, what else am I here for? And besides, I make you mad, so it's only fair." Firey mentioned. "But it's not fair. And you're here to be my friend, not to be my... Um... Whatever people use to take their anger out on-" Leafy stated. "Umm... I don't know what else to say that I haven't already told you a billion times, so let's change the subject." Firey replied. "And talk about what?" Leafy asked. "Umm..." Firey thought for a minute. "Can you see any better?" Leafy asked. "Barely. You said it yourself; it can take quite a while to get eyesight fully back." Firey responded. "Right..." The two of them sat there in silence.

"Hey um... Leafy... Can I tell you something?" Firey asked. "What?" Leafy responded. Firey was gonna confess that he had a crush, then he thought out every possible outcome, and decided against it. "Actually, never mind." Firey said quickly. "That's what people say when they're upset." Leafy responded. "I'm not upset. I just changed my mind." Firey replied. "Whatever."

Firey noticed that over the next several days Leafy never seemed to want to do anything and could barely keep a conversation going. "Hey, Leafy..." Firey started. "Yeah?" She asked. "Are you okay?" Firey asked. "Sure." Leafy answered. "I don't want you to lie." Firey replied. "Well, what're you gonna even do about it? You can't just magically make me better." Leafy responded. "I can talk to you though." Firey said. "And what's that gonna do for me? It'll help for what? A day? And then I'll just feel even worse after. Why bother wasting your time on me?" Leafy wondered. "It's not a waste of time, Leafy." Firey insisted. "Yes, it is. You know what else is a waste of time?" Leafy asked. "What?" Firey asked. "Being here. Why shouldn't I just turn myself in? What's the point of hiding out here if I'm not even happy? Then Golfball, Match and Ruby can finally get the revenge they've wanted. And you don't have to deal with me." Leafy said. "Leafy, don't say that-" Firey responded. "I just deserve death." Leafy replied. "Leafy-" Firey started. "You can't change my mind. And in fact, there's nothing stopping me from bringing that upon myself now." Leafy got up.


some characters just dont exist now bc i completely forgot they were part of idfb i guess

*cough* woody *cough* nickel *cough* yellow face *cough*

so yeah idk they're in the tlc for this book or something make it up

you choose where they are since i forgor about them

Word Count: 664

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