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"You don't need to lie, Leafy. I woke up and you weren't here." Firey said. "Well, it was I left you here alone, or I woke you up from my crying. And you said you're tired. Of everything. And you said my stupid crap, and my crying is probably considered stupid crap to you." Leafy rolled her eyes. "Hm, no. I don't consider emotions to be crap. Because everyone has them." Firey scoffed. "You're never gonna drop that, are you?" Leafy asked, feeling horrible about it. "Leafy. You literally made me hate myself over it. You pointed out every single flaw I had because somehow that would make me feel better." Firey spat. "Oh, you're so traumatized. You think you're special. Everyone gets told they shouldn't have emotions at one point or another." Leafy rolled her eyes. "Um. No. That's not normal." Firey responded. "Well. Then why would everyone always tell me to stop crying all the time during BFDI? I heard it frequently enough that it seems pretty normal." Leafy spat, crossing her arms.

 "If it was Flower, that doesn't count." Firey said. "Actually, Flower was the nicest to me of everyone. Even nicer than you, or Pin, or Coiny or Ice Cube. And you were my friends. Flower wasn't." Leafy responded. "Maybe it's because you're so similar." Firey said. "How?" Leafy asked. "Well. For starters. Flower's a bitch-" Firey started. "Ugh. I hate you." Leafy just left. She came back in like twenty minutes though. "I thought you hated me?" Firey asked, hearing her come in. "I do." Leafy replied. "Then why'd you come back?" Firey asked. "Because... I also can't live without you." Leafy admitted. "Oh, so you love me?" Firey said to tease her. "What?! What makes you think that? Just because I'm attached to someone doesn't mean I love them." Leafy quickly argued. "I never specified what kind of love, so clearly you do hate me." Firey messed with her. "UGH! You're so annoying! Can you just shut up?" Leafy spat. "Well. I know I'm supposed to be honest... So... no." Firey admitted. "At least you got something right." Leafy scoffed. "At least I can admit it." Firey spat. "I can admit it." Leafy argued. "No, you can't." Leafy felt like crying. "Why are you being so mean?" Leafy asked, tears filling her eyes. "Um. What do you consider mean? You mean, how I'm standing up for myself, so that I won't get hurt by your sorry ass anymore?" Firey asked. "Fine. I'm leaving. Don't expect me to come back." Leafy left once again.

This time she didn't come back for several days, but she did end up crawling right back to Firey. And Firey was actually glad. Because he got bored being alone. Leafy sat next to him and grabbed his hand. "It got lonely. And I wasn't gonna come back. Then I remembered you're the only person I can come back to."  Firey felt bad. "I did this to myself. I should've never stolen that stupid, damn island. Then people wouldn't hate me as much..." Leafy said, on the verge of tears. "Actually..." Firey tried to lighten the mood a bit. "I blame it on The Speaker Thing. He told everyone about the dumb island." They both chuckled. "And hey, you may have stolen the island, but at least you helped The Announcer with the budget cut issues." Leafy laughed. "I don't get it..." Leafy started. "What?" Firey asked. "Why are you being so nice? I don't deserve it." Leafy wondered. "Yes, you do, Leafy." Leafy squeezed his hand a little. He felt his face warm up. "I don't deserve anything good. Because I always ruin it..." Leafy looked away. "Well, it's okay, Leafy. Everyone messes something up at some point or another. I single-handedly messed up our entire relationship with lava." Firey reminded her. "Okay, but I was a total jerk... And I still am..." Leafy said. "Well. That can change." Firey reminded her. "How?" Leafy asked. "You just have to try and change it, I guess." Firey answered. "But it's hard to change yourself. Trust me. I would know." Leafy admitted. "How?" Firey asked. "If it wasn't obvious, during BFDI I had an obsessive need to be nice. But I didn't actually care. I just wanted people to like me. But I wanted to care. I just couldn't." Leafy explained. "Well, that's kind of different." They sat in silence. Neither of them really knew what to talk to each other about.

"Firey, I'm gonna leave. Would you like to come?" Leafy invited him. "Uh, sure." They left. They walked for a bit, not really talking or saying anything. After a while, Leafy grabbed his hand. And when she did Firey's heart nearly skipped a beat. And Leafy noticed something was wrong, because his face was all blushy. "Firey, what's wrong?" Leafy asked, concerned. "N-Nothing. I'm fine." Firey answered awkwardly. "Do you need water?" leafy asked. "N-No. I'm fine. Let's just keep walking." They kept walking.  Firey couldn't stop thinking about Leafy, and how he wished he could still see her so he could see her smile again.



idk why i put a sad face there that's from before i republished this chapter lol

Word Count: 871

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