Chapter 31

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Kairo Scott — Josiah's first everything. His first crush, his first kiss, his first time, his first boyfriend and his very first love. Or so, he likes to believe.

It all started when they first met in Freshman year at the private high school they would later graduate from. Josiah was twelve going on thirteen while Kairo was fourteen and some months already. People around them usually assumed it to be the other way around, for Josiah to be older and Kairo to be younger, just because Josiah was unexplainably tall for his age and Kairo was quite short for his own. Kairo was all braces and soft features with the sweetest personality and a pretty face. Josiah was the handsome star athlete on the school's track team. They didn't share a single interest except for one in each other, but they fell in love regardless.

They started off as friends, but that changed by the end of Freshman year when Josiah was thirteen going on fourteen and Kairo had just turned fifteen.

Kairo was the one who made the first move on Josiah. Both of them were drunk off their socks because one of their friends had broken the lock to their parents' liquor cabinet during a small get-together they had. Their kiss was sloppy, tasted of bittersweet aged whiskey and they kept knocking their teeths against each other, yet neither of them would have wanted it any other way. Kairo drunkenly admitted his feelings for Josiah and Josiah drunkenly admitted his feelings for Kairo that night. Neither of them asked each other to be boyfriends or to become exclusive, it was something they just silently agreed on and sealed with many kisses until their lips were sore and they were both so turned on it hurt. Nothing happened that night, though. They were too young to do more than kiss according to Kairo. Although Josiah really would have liked to go second and third base, he respected Kairo's sensible reasoning.

Despite not sharing any of the same interests, they still made it work. They would do homework after school and go on arcade dates, Kairo would listen to Josiah's music despite not liking any of it while Josiah would watch Kairo's favorite reality tv show though he didn't see the fun in that at all. Their differences meant having totally opposite friends. Josiah didn't like Kairo's friends because they were snobby and uptight and Kairo didn't like Josiah's friends because they were assholes born into wealthy families who didn't care about anyone's feelings and were major players. All they cared about were how many guys or girls they could pull and have sex with. Deep down Kairo knew Josiah was just like his friends, but he knew he could keep him from straying if he tried. Which is how they lost their virginities to each other at the age of fourteen and fifteen, just a few months into dating.

They became inseparable and even more official since then. Their relationship was admired yet envied by their peers at school and even those outside of it. Everybody, Kairo's moms and Josiah's father included, were one hundred percent they were made for each other and would end up getting married one day. Kairo believed the same and so did Josiah because they were madly in love after all.

Unfortunately their relationship only lasted until half of Senior year.

Valentine Dos Santos transferred to their high school as a Junior during Josiah's Senior year. Deep blue eyes, ginger-brown curls, freckles somewhat darker than his naturally sun kissed skin and the plumpest lips Josiah had ever seen. They were insanely soft too. Josiah learned that just two weeks after first meeting sixteen year old Valentine at seventeen while he was still dating Kairo.

The first time they kissed was in Valentine's bedroom. Their parents were catching up over wine in the living room because their dads used to be friends in high school but lost touch once they went to college. That kiss alone was enough for Josiah to realize that he wasn't as happy with Kairo as he thought he was and didn't want to be tied down any longer. He wanted to be free and mess around with Valentine because he was fun. Valentine wasn't shy, he was confident and so secure within his own sexuality. Nothing about sex was illicit to him and Josiah liked that a lot. He liked Valentine a lot. Just not enough to end things with Kairo and hurt his boyfriend.

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