Chapter 19

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The late September weather wraps around Josiah's body the second he steps out of the locker room, onto the track field. It's early, really early, and his first class of the day doesn't start until 10 A.M. later today, but he had to get out of his house. If he had stayed inside any longer he'd go insane due to the sleepless nights. His mind has been his worst enemy the past couple of days. It won't let him stop thinking about Noah and everything that happened over the weekend. On top of that he can't get the image that Noah sent Adonis out of his head. Since when was Noah into things like that? And why is he pissed about it? Noah can do whatever he wants, just like he can and does.

He has spent the past couple of days with Valentine until two days ago. They got into a fight, like they always do. Josiah can't even remember what the fight was about. Knowing themselves it was probably about something petty like something he said or the tone of his voice that Valentine didn't like. Either way, he couldn't care less. It's not like Valentine and him are together anyway.

Josiah stops in his tracks when he reaches the bench where he usually stretches before going for a run on the field. It's been five days since they last saw or spoke to each other. Neither of them had bothered to call or text the other. Josiah had his reasons why he didn't bother to do so. He wants to know what his reasons were, but he already knows. Another guy had occupied his mind and time just hours after losing his child. Their child. The thought alone has Josiah becoming hostile.

Their eyes lock when he stops doing his stretching exercises. They're standing across from each other now. There is an obvious tension between them that they have to talk about. Just not today, Josiah decides. He starts doing his stretching exercises without saying a word, no longer acknowledging the person in front of him. Although it's hard to do so when they're staring.

Minutes pass with Josiah stretching in silence while getting stared at. A soft snort comes from him when their eyes meet once again and he shakes his head. He turns around and goes to walk away when the silence between them is finally broken, making him turn back around.

"You're a fucking ass, Josiah. It's been five fucking days and not once have you checked up on me."

"Why should I have bothered? You had Adonis for that."

"Oh fuck you, go fuck yourself or Valentine, whichever you prefer. It's him who you're always running off to anyway."

"Man, fuck you too and stop worrying about what I do and don't do with Valentine. Go worry about Adonis since it's him you're fucking too, right? Since you're out here sending him fucking naked pictures of yourself like you know the damn guy."

"How do you—"

"It makes me wonder — was that baby even mine to begin with? Because who knows who else you've been sleeping with besides Princeton, Adonis and me. I didn't even know you got around like that."

Hurt washes over Noah when he listens to what Josiah says. "Excuse me?" He asks in quite some disbelief. But the older guy ignores him completely and keeps on talking.

"Or were you just trying to trap me because I come from money?" Josiah looks at Noah who has hurt written all over his face. "Is that it? Is that you were trying to do? Trap me with a baby that probably wasn't mine so you could stop worrying about money? Hell, were you even pregnant to begin with? Did you even really have a miscarriage?"

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