Chapter 25

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The loud sound of the doorbell takes Josiah out of his focus. His laptop is in front of him, with a bunch of notes, highlighters, a notebook and a book on his desk. Music is softly coming from the speakers in his room. He was in the middle of studying for his next Anatomy and Physiology exam. For a moment in time he completely forgot about the outside world. That tends to happen to him; he can get quite lost in his homework if he wants to. Simply because he genuinely enjoys his major as a pre-med student.

After walking away from Valentine earlier, he attended the rest of his classes. His conversation with Noah has left him overthinking to the point that he put himself in a really bad mood. Josiah ended up going for a run after all his classes were done before returning home to shower and putting his focus on his homework. At first he considered telling Valentine to come over so they could make up and his ex-boyfriend could distract him from Noah, but he quickly decided against that. Knowing them they would probably end up arguing again before they could even get to the point of making up. He then considered hitting up Sam, some guy from his Psychology class he occasionally hooks up with. It really only happens when they study together and end up doing a couple of shots to help them focus. But he decided against that too halfway through typing the text.

The doorbell rings once again with Josiah making his way down the hall. He isn't expecting anyone as far as he can remember. It can't be Anthony because he remembers his best friend telling him that Lolani and him would be going out tonight and his other friends are doing their thing too. Valentine would have been ringing the doorbell much longer, if not until he answered the door.

Josiah makes it to the front door and opens it, not bothering to look through the peephole. He's met with a pair of green eyes, much to his own surprise. This isn't who he expected to see anymore today or any time soon.

"Noah, hey.."

"Hey, uh.. I called and texted you, but—"

"Oh, yeah, I have my phone on dnd, my bad."

"It's fine.." Noah clears his throat. "Are you busy right now?"

"Not really, come in." Josiah widens the door and steps aside to let Noah in. He closes the door before turning to his friend. "What's up?"

Noah clears his throat. "Uhm.. Could you explain to me why I got a call from Dr Jeremiah Williams telling me that he knows someone who works on the ICU in our local hospital, and that he has a job offer for me?" He wonders as he takes a couple of steps towards the older guy.

Josiah shrugs. "I don't know," He answers with an unconcerned look on his face. "Didn't you say you were applying for hospital jobs?"

"No.. I said I wasn't going to because every single position was either for senior year medical students or people with a medical degree." Noah looks up at Josiah who's obviously trying to play it cool. "The ICU is looking for a monitor technician and I wouldn't need any degrees if I'm interested. Me being a nursing student in my Sophomore year is enough because I'll get an on the job paid training. Courtesy of Jeremiah Williams, of course."

"That's good." Josiah has to really fight the urge to start smiling. He'll have to call or text his father sometime to thank him for pulling some strings and giving Noah this opportunity. "You can quit your job at the restaurant now and start working at the hospital. This way you'll get some experience too and I bet the pay is way better than what you get now, right?"

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