Chapter 17

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Mommy 🌺

Today 03:32

Answer your phone, Noah.

You're going to yell at me and I'm not in the mood for that.

I'm not.

Lie again, Noelle!

Watch your mouth and answer your phone.

Mommy 🌺 — Noah sighs deeply at his now vibrating phone. His mother has been trying to get him to answer her calls ever since he woke up. Lolani told her he got hospitalized and she has been panicky ever since. She has been texting and calling his phone all day long, but Noah has been ignoring her. He doesn't want to talk to her. Not because she's going to yell at him, but because of how disappointed she's going to sound and stressed she's going to be. His mother is already dealing with enough having a child with leukemia and here he is, stressing her some more.

The phone in Noah's hand stops ringing after a short while and he goes back to texting his mother. He'd rather text than talk to her. That'll save him from tears as well.

Mommy 🌺

I'm not answering
You can stop worrying anyway
The doctor told me I could go home today

I don't care. Answer that phone.

A deep sigh comes from Noah when his phone starts ringing again. His mother is calling once again — shocking. This is probably going to end up with them arguing and crying like always because, despite him loving his mother more than anything on this earth, they can't seem to agree on anything. Ever. His mother is just too controlling. And she means well, but Noah wishes she would back off a little. Which is why he choose to move out and attend college in a city three hours away from where he grew up.

"Yes, Mother." Noah answers with a deep sighs.

"Finally!" Noelle cries through the phone. "Do you know how worried I am? How are you? What's going on?"

Noah feels himself choke up at the sound of his mother's voice already. Damn his soft spot for her. "I– I'm alright," He chokes out as he looks around the dull hospital room. That's a bold lie. Thank goodness he gets to leave today.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, ma, I promise."

"Don't lie to me, baby, I know you're not. I can hear it in your voice." Noelle says in a gentle voice. Her son stays quiet so she continues speaking, knowing that Noah isn't going to say anything. "What happened?"

Noah sniffs softly. This is exactly why he didn't want to talk to his mother on the phone. It always results into tears. "Nothing, don't worry about it. How are you and the girls? How have you been? I'm sorry for not calling... I– I got busy." He apologizes in a small voice.

Noelle sighs through the phone. "We're fine, but worried about you. Especially I am, your mother. So please stop saying nothing happened and tell me the truth." She says in a more demanding tone. "Now."

"I can't, because if I do you're going to get mad."

"I'm not going to get mad, I just want to know what happened to you, Noah. You have me worried and stressed. Do you think I like getting a phone call from your friend, crying, telling me you got hospitalized?"

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