Chapter 28

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this chapter has no business being 5k words...


"Doctor Josie, what's up, my dark chocolate papi?"

"Ant, man, seriously, stop calling me that shit for real."

"Damn papi, not even a hello or hey baby first, just attitude. Who's got you all mad and angry like this?"

"See, this is why I didn't want to call your ass. You can't be serious when I need you to, damn."

"Damn, man, I'm sorry I didn't know you were calling me on some serious shit." Anthony says, the tone in his voice changing from playful to serious. "What's up for real, though? You got in a fight with Valentine again? Do you need me to talk to him?"

Josiah shakes his head even though Anthony can't see him. "Nah, it's cool. Val and I are cool, we're whatever." He sucks his teeth as he stares out of the window of his apartment, overlooking the city. It's pouring rain outside since this evening. "It's Noah. Do you happen to be around Lolani?"

"Shit, I am. Everything aight with him? You two just took off earlier so we assumed shit was cool."

"It was," Josiah sighs. "But we got in a fight—"

"Damn nigga, you stay arguing. I'm starting to think you're the problem."

"—and I said some shit I probably shouldn't have. Man, shut up and just let me talk to Lolani."

"A please would be nice every now and then."

Josiah rolls his eyes at what Anthony says and patiently waits for Lolani to get on the phone. He hears Anthony call Lolani's name along with movement on the other side of the phone as he makes his own way to the couch. It takes a couple of seconds and Josiah can hear Lolani ask Anthony why he needs him multiple times before finally getting on the phone.

"What did you do to him?" Are the first words to come out of Lolani's mouth. "Josiah, I swear if you made him cry again I will personally come over there to beat your ass. Because I know there's something going on with him from the way he's been drinking and if you—"

"Aye, enough with the finger pointing, aight?" Josiah snaps, rudely interrupting Lolani. This immediately shuts his best friend's boyfriend up and he continues to talk. "Shit hasn't been okay with Amelia and it's obviously affecting him, that's why he's been drinking. He told me they stopped treatment a while ago and last night I found out she slipped in a coma with a really small chance of getting out or surviving."

"What? Are you serious?" Lolani asks in pure devastation. "Why didn't he— Why hasn't he told me anything? Damn it, Noah. No wonder he said the things he said earlier. Fuck. Is he okay?"

A deep sigh comes from Josiah when Lolani asks him that. He wishes he knew if Noah was okay. Sometime after their fight in the bathroom he heard the front door shut really loud, making it very clear that Noah left. Josiah couldn't find himself to care at first, but eventually he started to feel sorry about the argument. He texted Noah, hoping they could call so he could apologize and they could make up, but Josiah soon realized that none of his messages were being delivered. He started calling Noah not too long after but every call went straight to voicemail.

It's nearing 1 A.M. and Josiah remembers Noah leaving around 8 P.M. that evening. He first texted Noah a little after 11 and only started calling his phone a mere twenty minutes ago. Maybe he should've called Lolani earlier, but he didn't expect not to hear anything from Noah at all. He's worried and feeling slightly guilty. Josiah really hopes Noah is home because if he isn't, he might start losing his mind.

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