Chapter 34

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took me long enough..
my bad fam

The soft sound of pills rattling inside of a bottle along with careful movements is what slowly takes Josiah out of his deep slumber. His head feels heavy, though he isn't surprised by that at all. That's what he gets from smoking and drinking as much as he did last night. He's only facing the consequences now that he's waking up. Josiah moves around the bed he's in as memories from last night slowly fill his mind, reminding him of the fight he had with Noah last night and that he's at the younger guy's apartment. They slept next to each other and fell asleep while cuddling, but nothing happened between them. Not even a kiss.

More movement around the room has Josiah actually opening his eyes. It's semi dark in the room, still, but he remembers Noah having blackout curtains. One of the curtains is slightly left ajar, allowing some daylight to fall into the room. Josiah's eyes land on Noah who's carefully moving around the room, wearing nothing but a pair of yellow skin tight lace briefs. The sight is definitely a pleasure to Josiah, but it's soon taken away from him when Noah puts on a beige sweatpants followed by a matching hoodie. Josiah slowly sits up in bed, not once taking his eyes off Noah. Watching the younger guy get dressed and do his thing is surprisingly mesmerizing yet calming to Josiah. He wasn't aware how much he missed Noah until now either.

''You should consider taking a picture of me or something,'' Noah comments after a moment while doing his hair. It has grown past his shoulders over the past three months and he's considering cutting it short or all of it. He's not sure yet. ''It'll make the memory last way longer.''

A low chuckle comes from Josiah. ''Good morning you too, Miller.'' He says in a low voice, still not taking his eyes off the younger guy.

Noah smiles a little at the sound of Josiah's voice and he rolls his eyes. As much as he hates to admit it, he did miss the older guy. And he knows he should be mad at Josiah for their fight from last night and what happened three months ago, but he currently doesn't have the energy. Besides that, it's Josiah's birthday and he doesn't want to ruin the older guy's day. That's not fair of him. They can talk about their unresolved issues in the near future. ''It's past two, Williams.'' He retorts, finally turning around to look at Josiah. The older guy is sitting in his bed with his back against the headboard, looking too good for someone who just woke up from a drunken night. He understands why Josiah has so many people shooting their shot with him, making him theirs or simply wanting a chance.

''My bad, good afternoon, Miller.''

''Yeah, yeah, good afternoon you too and happy birthday.''

''Thank you,'' Josiah smiles a little. ''I didn't think you remembered.''

Noah pulls a face as he picks something up from his desk before walking over to his bed. ''Why wouldn't I?'' He wonders as he walks over to his bed and sits down criss-cross applesauce style, placing the box in Josiah's lap. "I even got you a gift, see."

Josiah looks down at the neatly wrapped medium sized box on his lap and smiles. The wrapping paper is white with happy birthday written all over with balloons and cupcakes. It's very Noah. ''Thank you, and I don't know,'' He pretends to think for a little before answering Noah's question. ''Maybe because you blocked me off everything, entirely cut me out of your life, left me in the complete dark for three months and then only for us to get into a fight the minute you came back. Those are just some minor examples.''

A soft chuckle comes from Noah as memories from last night fill his mind. They argued the way they did just to end up in his bed with each other at the end of the night. Josiah and him are anything but good for each other, yet his heart keeps wanting to be with and around the older guy. The past three months were an absolute Hell and Adonis was nothing but a distraction for who he was missing and actually wanted around. Unfortunately his ego wouldn't allow him to admit that he missed Josiah and needed him, which is why he never unblocked Josiah in those past months. ''You make it sound like I'm the problem..'' He mutters softly, staring down at his fiddling fingers. ''I had my reasons why I did those things, though. And I'm sure you know why.''

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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