Chapter 4

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A deep and sad sigh comes from Noah as he stares at the white ceiling of his bedroom. His phone has been ringing all day; it's an anonymous number but he already knows who it is because he made the mistake of answering his phone earlier. Princeton has been trying to talk to him all day but he isn't really in the mood to hear about the excuses his ex-boyfriend is trying to sell him.

The door to his bedroom suddenly swings open and in comes Lolani followed by their other friends, Rayn, Zoie, Trinity and Valentine. The same friends Noah neglected over the summer to spend time with Princeton. Princeton, his ex-boyfriend who cheated on him. He sits up in his bed and goes to say something, but he's interrupted by Rayn.

"Give us one good reason why we should forgive your fake neglectful ass for the shit you pulled over the summer."

Rayn has always been one to get straight to the point with anyone. A dark skin young woman who loves wearing her hair in colorful ways that match her personal style. She's all about confrontation and wanting to sort an issue out right away by talking things through. It's something Noah admires about her because he's nothing like that. He wishes to be more confrontational like Rayn, maybe this way he would have the courage to answer his endlessly ringing phone. Just the sound of Princeton's voice will have him caving, though Rayn is just like that too. She's quick to forgive and can never stay mad for too long.

"Rayn!" Zoie scolds her best friend who also happens to be her girlfriend. "We agreed on a gentle approach, mami. Nono," She turns to Noah, using the nickname she has for their youngest friend of the group. There's a cute smile on her face, showing off her braces, and her voice is ever so gentle. "Lani told us about your break—"

Zoie, a very gentle soul with the kindest spirit and softest touch. Though a couple shots of tequila will have her being the exact opposite of who she really is. Her and Noah are often mistaken for siblings, twins at that. Simply because they're quite alike and both of them happen to be the same shade of brown skin, green eyes and run track. Their hair happen to be the same too, both of them having dark curls with Zoie's hair being much longer than Noah's that have grown to reach just above his shoulders.

"Noah ain't no Goddamned baby, Zo." Rayn huffs. "Stop treating him as such. Speak up. I want one good ass reason." She commands her friend.

"Well—" Noah tries to speak, only to be interrupted once again.

"If you don't get off his damn back." Trinity comments from behind Rayn and Zoie. "We all were once guilty for neglecting our friends for some dick or pussy. Unfortunately Noah neglected us for some bad community dick, but I'm sure he learned his lesson. Didn't you, Nono?" Rayn rolls her eyes at her as she sits down next to Noah.

Being the oldest and possibly the wisest out of the six of them, Trinity balances her group of friends out. But that doesn't exactly mean she's one to make wise decisions for herself. Her mouth is her worst yet best trait. Always having a smart remark ready and not afraid to say how or what she feels tends to bring her in quite some trouble. Though she never fails to get herself out of trouble by being her charming, playful and loud self. And it's not just Trinity's character that aggravates people towards her. It's all in the way she walks, talks and carries herself along with her rich dark skin color, the clothes she wears and the wigs she make for herself. Noah loves everything about Trinity. She's everything he wishes to be — confident, intimidating and the center of attention without even trying. Much like Lolani. If he could only have just half of what Lolani and Trinity have, Princeton wouldn't have fooled him the way he did.

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