Chapter 15

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2 months and some weeks prior

A warm body comes to lay in bed next to Noah after handing him his phone. Their skin touching causes him to tense up. What has he done? This should have never happened. How is he ever going to tell Princeton about this? Will Princeton even forgive him? Of course not. He feels so guilty for being unfaithful to his own boyfriend. The same boyfriend who hasn't been faithful to him. The same boyfriend who's side piece messaged him on Instagram just hours ago to tell him that he was being cheated on. Screenshots were sent and proof was provided, yet he didn't have the guts to confront Princeton about it. What he did instead was come over to a friend who comforts him when needed, cheers him up, makes him laugh and keeps him company.

No questions were asked when he showed up unannounced. They played video games together for most of the day. There had been a tension between them all day and both of them did their best to ignore it. But the tension had been there since the last time they hung out just the two of them. They had been more touchy, Noah was more giggly than usual, every touch left his body burning more than ever before — ignoring their sexual desire for each other was becoming impossible to deny much longer.

And so it happened.

It all started with a chaste and hesitant kiss, either of them could still tell the other to stop. Neither of them did. They kissed each other harder instead; their hands started roaming and feeling until they needed more from the other. Both of them got more too.

Noah never imagined his first time being with anyone else but Princeton. It was supposed to happen during a holiday or one of their anniversaries — something extremely romantic full of sentiment. He had always imagined there to be candles, roses and a playlist of his favorite love songs playing in the background while they made love all night long. But it was nothing like that tonight and, much to his surprise, he's quite content with how it went. Sure the room wasn't decorated and some dramatic love song wasn't playing in the background, but he was comfortable and his body was being treated so gently. The fact that he doesn't really regret any of this is what really scares him.

A pair of dark brown eyes meet Noah's green ones and he bites his bottom lip. Soft hands with a gentle touch caress his still naked body underneath the covers. Lips are pressed against his own and for a split second he allows himself to get lost in the moment again. A soft giggle comes from Noah as fingers start to dig into his bare sides. He shouldn't be giggling right now, he should be feeling guilty instead. But that comes later.

"Josiah, stop!" Noah squeaks out of laughter. The older guy is tickling him, now also kissing his neck and sucking on his skin. Everything Josiah is doing right now is turning him on again. "Josie, stop it!" He begs while laughing.

''Say please first.'' Josiah teases as he continues to tickle Noah who's now turning red from laughing as hard as he is. The sound of Noah's laughter makes his heart skip a beat. That's been happening often lately.

Noah continues to laugh, now also playfully fighting against the older guy. ''I'm not saying shit,'' He grabs both Josiah's hands and intertwines their fingers in a bid to get the older guy to stop tickling him. His eyes meet Josiah's dark brown ones and he feels himself become shy all of a sudden, it makes him feel vulnerable for some reason. As if Josiah didn't just see and feel every inch of his body. ''I said stop.'' He says in a soft voice with a faint smile on his face.

Josiah licks his lips as a small grin grows on his face. ''That's not what you said when I was touching you earlier.''

"Shut up," Noah blushes. "Don't remind me."

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