chapter 28

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In car ,

Zavious you never told me you are billionaire

Aayat : I thought you might be knowing everything about your miss perfect .knowing about that I am having no boyfriend also no family but maybe forget to know about the money or land I own .

They reached mall and she was first one to get down .

Anabia spoke before Zavious could get down . "never mention Aayat's property or her being billionaire . You are going to marry her treat her like a doctor only . She was going to give every thing to trust but we stopped her . I am helping to do all business .If you will mention it she will hate you".

On the other hand Zoya also piss off her father not to mention about her money .

Zoya's father: I am an old man I think you enjoy your shopping .I should see some movie .common Daniyal and Nicolas join me .

Nicolas: actually I also want to go for shopping

Zoya s father: I am not telling you to come and watch movie with me .Nicolas go and stand in line and bring me ticket . You guys can wait for them .and you Daniyal go and bring some ice cream for my daughters and don't forget to bring popcorn for me . Oh my god .

Zoya : what happed father.

Zoya s father : my shoulders are paining . Common Zavious can you give me some massage .

Zavious made face like someone asked for his kidney . Aayat on other hand was trying to suppress her laughter but she was not able and laughed loudly .

Aayat went aside and told about her situation . And Zavious threat about killing Dr Iram . Zoya also told about her situation ,whereas Anabia also elaborated . They thought at least they were not trying to take and advantage of them .

Aayat also told how Zavious got drunk and beat her . By hearing this Anabia and Zoya started to comfort her.

Atlas Zoya's father went to watch movie and they moved to a wonderful stop . It was only for wedding clothes .

Everyone had already entered shop Aayat was about to enter at that time Zavious pulled her in a corner and thrust her on to wall and spoke by moving closer to her "so , you were having fun when I was giving massage to zoya's father".

He was going more and more closer Aayat replied "not at all my dear . I was loving it."

Zavious: So how about you giving me massage when we get back home .

Aayat pushed Zavious aside and said "this is public place and dont irritate me ."

Both of them went inside shop . A sales girl came and told mam please this way , sir this way .

There were many dresses, that girl mostly handover white gowns to Aayat and she was seeing them very carefully . She chose the most white gown with least embroidery .Zavious didn't like that gown . he insisted her to take a bit more heavy gown . He told Aayat to take the gown which was having too much embroidery .

Aayat refused to buy it . But when she asked for Zoya and Anabia also insisted by saying "you are not happy with your marriage but you should enjoy the movement of your life."

Aayat went to Zavious and told "I am ready to take this ,but you also have to wear my choice clothes ."

Daniyal : Yes sister in law I belive Zavious would really be happy to be your prince charming.

Zavious said ok.

That girl was showing different colours suit ,but Aayat said that she want something traditional. She told her combination would look gook of western and Indian . That lady showed Aayat some sherwani . She selected a pink one for Zavious .Zavious said "no I will not wear this".

Aayat :no body is asking your opinion you have to wear it

Anabia went near Zavious: don't cross her words . If she is saying you have to wear it then wear it . By the way she is not saying to take it because you are looking childish but extremely handsome .

Zavious to Anabia "are you kidding me."

Anabia : If you don't take it then Nicolas will wear it .

Nicolas : Seriously !!

Zavious :ok ! Let's make Aayat happy . Plz pack this .

Anabia brought a yellow sherwani for Nicolas and Zoya insisted on peach sherawani .

Nicolas chose a back gown for Anabia and Daniyal told to buy blue gown .

They went out of shop then Aayat ,Anabia and Zoya left sayings "we want to do more shopping".

Nicolas : I think we should have brought 3 cars only a. They want to more shopping .

Zavious : Leave it from many days they aren't going anywhere let them go .

Zoya'sfather came back from movie , they were sitting in icecream parlour . It was nearly 7 when girls came back .

Zoya was carring 7 bags . Anabia was carrying 10 bags . Whereas in case of Aayat she was not carrying anything . But behind her 3 sales women were caring almost 30 bags .

Zavious : What is this !

Aayat : I didn't like the clothes you brought for me . So I bought new once .they are only 40 guys can keep this bags here this is my driver he will take it . Thank you for your help.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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