chapter 12

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zavius called to receptionist that he wanted to room no 109 .Receptionist replied they left from our hotel .

zavius called Daniyal and Nicolas and narrated the incident .

Nicolas went to seach Anabia .no one was there at her house Daniyal went to Zoya 's house but no was there Zavius was injured then too he went to find Aayat and was not able to find her anywhere .

They discussed about Daniyal said " Zoya was going to India . I won't go behind her but Aayat saw everything and she might have told Zoya I think I should go to India ".

Nicolas : How do you know that ?

Daniyal : she is committed and going to get married so she was going to India .

Zavius : ok and I will find then here but Nicolas has to go to business trip and come soon as soon as possible .If I get any lead I will inform you guys .

Nicolas : ok (" I also want to find Anabia" he spoke in his mind )

Nicolas came back fron trip after 4 days . Bad news was Zavius was not able to find any lead on girls .where as Daniyal was not knowing which city he should find Zoya . By 4 days hard word he went to Zoya 's home town .

Zavius suddenly remembered about Aayat 's friend Dr Iram and decided to go to her house . Nicolas was keeping an eye on Anabia franchise .

Zavius decided to visit his uncle 's hospital . Suddenly Zavius bumped with someone it was no one but .................

(auther : don't get too excited .)

It was no one other than Dr Iram . well Dr Iram saw him and get scared but acted to be simply normal. Well Zavius moved a bit away quickly . And ws observing her she ran from that place . Zavius understood that some thing is fishy with her .He wanted the same reaxtion which was given by Iram . And niw it was conform that she knew something about Zavius .
Zavius decided to follow her .

He didn't want chance to loose Dr Iram so he went outside the hospital and waited for her.At tge end of the shif she came out hired a taxi and went to her house .

She told taxi driver to stop . She was a few distance away from his car .She moved to a entrance gate of large house . Outside was written Dr Iram 's husband 's name .There was no security guard at that time .Dr called someone and Zavius heard her saying " What security guard is on leave .Ok fine " She cut the call . Suddenly some one came to the gate and " are you coming in or not " .

Dr Iram : offcourse i am coming and what are you doing here .you shiuld be inside the house .

Zaviua was not able to see that lady 's face .

unidentified lady : Well I was getting bored and to have fresh air I came out .

Dr Iram : ok fine lets go in and have dinner my husband is not going to come today he is away on bussiness trip .

Zavies waited untill morning when Dr Iram went back to work He got out and knocked the door of house .

Door was opened by a girl her hairs were open she was looking a mess . Looked like she just woke up from sleep he imdiatly recognised her , She was known other than .........

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