chapter 24

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After few hours

Zoya was sitting comfortable in her luxurious air plane seat . Daniyal was sitting on her left side . And her father was sitting on right .

She was sitting in middle of her hubby n pa . Zoya 's father was not impressed by Daniyal. Nor he liked Daniyal 's character he always tried to separate Zoya and Daniyal . He accepted their relationship because of his unmanaged ageable love of her daughter and for her good .

Daniyal made Zoya's father agree to go with them to Australia. Because he was aware Zoya would try to run away as soon as possible. He told Zoya's father that his brother is getting married. And it would be very rude of him if he doesn't come with them . So Zoya's father agreed to accompany them .

Zoya felt asleep and her head was going down and landed on Daniyal's shoulder . Her father couldn't bear it he forced Zoya's head towards his shoulder . Daniyal felt miserable due to this act . And kept his head on Zoya's shoulder . Zoya's father forced his head away there was sudden jerk and Zoya woke up .

Zoya asked " what happened "in half yawning conditions.

Zoya's father  " I was just trying to rid of fly .... nothing else .

Zoya turned to see Daniyal and saw he was half dumbstruck and his mouth was open . She said with gleeful voice "close your mouth or fly will get in".

Daniyal turned his head and could hear giggling of Zoya . He cursed under his breath and said " like father like daughter "

They landed in Australia. It was about 3 Am and Daniyal drove to his house.

Zoya's father : give me those Keys . He took Zoya inside

Daniyal was left alone in the street with 6-7 fully loaded bags . Daniyal struggled all suit cases inside house . He felt very tired and went inside his room Zoya was not there . He went to guest room and saw that Zoya's father was sleeping. No sign of Zoya . He went to Hall and so Zoya sleeping in one of sofa .

Daniyal: common get up

Zoya : who the hell are you . If you are devil and trying to find someone evil he is right upstairs my so called husband.

Daniyal (laughs ) "yes I am devil and trying to find my witch . Which is you".

He took Zoya in his arm and took her to his bedroom. And mummed " sleep tight "

Their Roses ( Muslim mafia story ) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें