Chapter 34 : When It Rained...♡

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A/N: You all are streaming Proof, right? If not, what are you still doing?🤪 (I'm still stuck with all the new releases 💞)
--> It's been more than 24 hours now but 'Yet To Come' on YouTube is still trending at #1 🥳
--> Also, am I the only one who thinks that Jin looks extremely eternal & unreal in the 'Black Swan Practice Video'? (released today) #2022BTSFESTA 💘


Taehyung drove himself home when both Yoongi and Jimin left after having a long cheerful conversation. After taking a bath and having dinner that Jimin prepared for him, he went to the room where you used to stay.

Yes! He went to your room.

It was empty. It felt like a dead room. It used to be cheerful and bright when you used to live there. But not anymore. He missed you, your feminine scent, and your smile that took away all of his stress.

He slipped himself into your blanket and snuggled his face in your pillow. He could still feel the traces of your smell. He wanted to cry but he couldn't. He needed someone beside him to cry. Not someone but he needed you. In these few months, he has been so attached to you that every single thing in his house reminds him of you.

It was also becoming hard for him to live without you. Recalling all the sweet memories he had with you, he eventually fell asleep and the tears dried up on his bread cheeks.

[A/N: **playing Yet To Come**]


11:06 pm

"Noona! Where are you going at this hour?"

You put on your slippers and tied your hair to leave the house. You were still living at Jimin's place because you didn't want to bother Jennie. 

"It's raining Jimin!"

"So what?"

"Taehyung must be alone at home."

And you left the apartment without any other explanation. Jimin was dumbfounded. He was too surprised looking at you thinking about Taheyung even after you broke up.

You went out and took a cab to reach Taehyung's house. Gradually it started thundering and lightning. You were scared. Not for yourself but for Taehyung. You remembered how he acted when you both went to Gwangju and it rained. You remembered that night when he asked you to kill someone and hurt himself with the pieces of glass. 

I hope he is holding on... Just a few minutes Taehyungaa, I'll be there soon.

You cannot let that happen again. You asked the driver to drive fast and finally reach his home in some time.

You entered his house and looked for him everywhere. You checked the living room, the kitchen, his bedroom, the basement... But he was nowhere to be found.

You were standing in the living room thinking where he could have gone. Putting one hand on your hips and the other untying your hair, you sigh with frustration.

[A/N: **playing Run BTS**]

Where the heck did he go? 

Umm, wait! My room! I didn't check there.

The only place you didn't check was your own room. You slowly went and opened the door of your room. 

He was there. You saw him. 

He was sitting on the bed. You couldn't really see his face as the lights were off. You stepped a little inside the room and tried to ask him.

"Taehyungaa! Are you okay?"

mismatched | KTHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora