Chapter 11 : Others' Past?

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~ [08/05/2022]


"Unnie! Over here!" exclaims Ji Hyun.

Listening to her sweet voice, you turn and walk towards her. As soon as you go, she happily hugs you tightly, just like Jimin hugs you with love and warmth.

Like brother, like sister! Both loving and adorable.

"Ji Hyunaa! It's been a long time since seeing you. How have you been?"

Ji Hyun smiles brightly and tells you that she is doing amazing and is very happy with her recently started business. You congratulate her and then you both order some food.

I can't believe that the girl (Ji Hyun) whom I met almost 10 years ago when she was just a high school student, is now a big mature girl, living independently!

I am so proud of her and her efforts!

After ordering food Ji Hyung tells you that you still look the same as when you both met each other for the first time. "Unnie! I still remember how beautiful you were looking that day when I was crying alone in the garden!"

How can I forget that moment? She was a pretty little girl weeping under a tree on a rainy day. That made my heart hurt for her. 

You smile a little, trying to recall your old memories of meeting Ji Hyun. You take a deep breath smile a little harder and say,

"I know right! It was showering on a cheerful day. I was returning back to my home and found you crying under the tree. I wondered if you were crying or if it was just the raindrops rolling down your cheeks! haha"

And you both giggle over that and Ji Hyun adds further, "But Unnie! I guess sometimes being sad is a good thing. I was very upset that day but because I was crying, I met you! Thank you so much for helping me with my studies and struggling life!"

You suck a deep breath through your teeth and get friendly angry over her, "Until when are you gonna keep thanking me? Huh?"

"But still Unnie! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have graduated yet. The confident and beautiful life I am living right is all because of you!" says Ji Hyun with her loving eyes looking at your proud face.

Then I should be the one thanking Ji Hyun. If I hadn't met her that day, I wouldn't have met Jimin either, and probably today I would have been still unemployed. 

Listening to her, you feel so proud and you pat her head like an affectionate mother. You further add that if that was the case then you should be thanking her too as she met Jimin through her. You tell her that you got your first job because of Jimin and Ji Hyun just proudly says,

"Unnie! After all, he is my Oppa!"

Your first order of soup arrives and looking at that soup, you think,

Indeed! What you give is what you get! 

Life is all about giving and taking. 

Maybe it should be just "giving" because if you give something whole heartedly then you are bound to receive something in return for sure!

You both talk like that recalling your old memories and drinking your soup spoon by spoon.

The restaurant is too moody. Melodic songs are playing in the background and the smell of that place makes it more memorable. The brown aesthetic of the restaurant made you think of that old diary named "Bulletproof Boys"!

Bulletproof Boys was Jimin's band, right?

If Jimin used to be in a band then his sister must know something about it too! Let's dig into it!

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