Chapter 4 : The contract

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~ [30/04/2022]

"What are you looking at? Hope into the car!"

Without much thinking, you hop into the car and Taehyung starts driving. Not knowing where exactly he is going, you ask him but he is so lost in his own thoughts that he doesn't respond. You don't bother to ask him again.

Is he okay? What's wrong with him today? Maybe he is not in a mood to talk to anyone.

Sitting in the car, you get curious to know about his unpleasant relationship with his father and more than that if he is going to fire you or not. After not too long, he clears his throat and awkwardly asks, "Where are we going?"

Why is he even driving when he doesn't know where he is going?

You looked at him making a question mark with your eyebrow.

"Didn't you say that I have a lunch meeting?"

You totally forgot your excuse. Well, it isn't your fault. Why does he have to snatch away the keys? But now you are afraid to tell him. You take a couple of moments to breathe and then tell him that you just made an excuse for him to escape from his dad. He sadly laughs and compliments, "haha, I didn't know you were that smart."

You are confused if it is a compliment or not, but you take that as one.

Haha (you laugh sarcastically to yourself)! He is bad at complimenting. At least he acknowledged me, that's more than enough.

You both reach somewhere. Where? You have no clue! He parks the car and you both hop out. You don't know what his intentions are but suddenly he grabs your wrist and drags you inside that huge place.

What? Wait, EXCUSE ME! 

Where is he taking me? And what the heck is this huge place?

You look around while being dragged by that masculine hand wrapped around your wrist, but gently. 

His hand is warm, like freshly baked bread. Y/n! Why would you compare his hand with the bread? BREAD!!! Ahhh, that makes you hungry.

Though, his grip is too gentle to actually say that he is dragging you and too soft like a rose petal clinging onto your hair.

This place is huge, aesthetic, and beautiful. The smell of this place has already rented your mind, you love it.

Did he just drag me into a restaurant? Well, good choice! I'm indeed hungry.

The bread drags me to eat the bread! Omg, what's wrong with me! Stop thinking Y/n, just stop thinking!

The bread, you mean he, yes HE! He drags you into the restaurant and stands still for a moment to pick a good corner to sit in. Seems like he got the perfect place he wanted and makes you follow him till there. 

You both sit in front of each other and he clears his throat, "Let's eat first!". Well, why would you say no? You go with the flow and order food along with him. 

You ordered the food. Now? Now what? You have to wait until it arrives but this situation! This situation is awkward. He is silent, wandering his eyes here and there as if he is trying to catch a fast-paced fly flying around him. 

And then there is you who has no idea what to talk about. You look outside the window and just enjoy looking at the kids playing outside with bubble guns.

Taehyung's POV:

Is there anything to do? I have observed almost every corner of this restaurant. What is taking too long for them to serve?

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