Chapter 14 : 50-50

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~ [11/05/2022]

"First you tell me! What is Namjoon doing here?"

...(a complete silence)

Are they ignoring me now? Even Namjoon? Wahh! I hope they are not dating or something!

Anyways, maybe I should tell them that I quit.

"I resigned!"

"WHAT? WHYY?? Did your CEO bully you? Was he harassing you?" exclaims Jennie and almost chokes on her noodles. 

Well, Jennie always overreacts while worrying about her friends and gets all worked up. Namjoon, the gentleman, calms her down and says, "Let her sit first. Give her some time to speak."

Jennie never calms down easily. She is a girl with extra energy, always high! She shouts back, "I didn't ask for your opinion, Mr. Joon."

This time Namjoon also lost it and responded on her face, "Either call me Mr. Kim or Namjoon! What the hell is Joon?? Huh???"

Wahhh! (you sigh) They seem like couples having love quarrels.

Though, as far as I know Jennie isn't dating anyone right now. 

It is quite chaotic looking at them fighting over silly things. Already being sad about getting unemployed again, you ask both of them to stop fighting. Jennie agrees and asks you to spill the tea. However, you cannot stop getting curious.

What if they are really dating? Damn! Y/n! Listen to your inner soul, ask them, ASK!

"By any chance, are you guys dating?"

Namjoon quickly changes the topic and asks if you have eaten lunch or not. 

Well, it is quite obvious that they are not dating. 

You tell Namjoon, "Nevermind! Why would Jennie date a mature man like you! She dates only young men!"

Jennie gets angry and asks you again about what exactly happened. You are already feeling guilty and sorry toward Namjoon and so you decide to apologize to him right now.

You can do it Y/n! Hwaiting!

"Namjoon, first of all, I am... am Sorry!"

"Hehh??" an obvious reaction comes from him because he doesn't know why you apologized.

To make things clear, you tell them everything. Everything from your silly request to ask him to sign the contract to how Kim Taehyung used you as bait to gain fame by collaborating with Rkive company.

You tell him everything and apologize again. However, after you are done, Namjoon breaks into laughter and keeps laughing continuously. 

You are confused. You literally told him how Taehyung used you for his company's benefit and still Namjoon is not serious.

Why is he laughing? Does he even believe me? 

Controlling his laugh, Namjoon says, "And so you resigned?" and starts giggling again.

You sigh with frustration. Jennie, who is busy eating her meal, also starts giggling with Namjoon.

What's wrong with these two? Did I do something wrong?

Breaking the sequence of your nonstop thoughts, Namjoon further adds, 

"Y/n! Listen to me now. I had a conversation with Kim Taehyung a few days ago. I asked where you were but he asked you to leave early that day."

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