Los Demonios | City of Sin

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(Zero would be with Xerros, Ghost and Adonis and they would be fighting against Demon King Pyro and his 10 Commandments.)

Ghost: "You telling me that you never killed any of his commandments?!"

Xerros: "I have. He just brings them back to life even more powerful."

Ghost: "How haven't neither of you killed each other?"

Xerros: "I was never able to get a final hit in and he was never able to outsmart me."

Zero: "Cat and mouse asses."

Xerros: "Are you disrespecting me?"

Zero: "Chilll.. Damn it's a joke. We're the complete opposite sheesh."

Xerros: "Now is not the time for jokes. We have a city to save and a demon king to finally put down."

Ghost: "Xerros is right."

Adonis: "If anything, we could call the rest of the Multiversal Warriors right?"

Ghost: "No. They're all on separate missions."

Adonis: "Oh.."

(The group would then split up and go separate ways as they had to dodge an incoming attack.)

Ghost: "How the fuck four of us gon beat 10 commandments.."

???: "That's the point. You're not going to win."

Ghost: "And who might you be?"

Lore: "I'm Lore. The second commandment."

(Ghost would feel an eerie presence but he remained calm. He then looked for where the voice was coming from but couldn't see.)

Ghost: "You're gonna stay hidden?"

Lore: "I'm in your brain. Reading your backstory. See, this is my power!"

(Ghost would close his eyes and when he opened them, he would be reliving all of his saddest times. Lore's power was the power to dig in anyone's mind, collect their backstory and use it against them until they go insane and kill themself. However, this has no affect on Ghost as Ghost already overcame his past and fully moved on. However, before he broke out of this mind alteration, he stopped at one time in his life.)



Sha: "Rah, you have to make it out. Don't worry, we'll always be with you."

(Dre would throw Rah his signature spectral blade while Sha would throw Rah his signature scythe. The flashback would then become blurry as you could hear the twin's screams along with seeing an immense bright energy go from them and transfer into Rah's body.)


(Ghost would then break out of the mind alteration and find Lore in front of him. Then, with no remorse, Ghost would summon his scythe and reap Lore's soul with no hesitation.)

Ghost: "...Stupid bitch."

(A large energy wave would be going in Ghost's direction but it would be stopped by a countering red and black electricity wave. A flash of red and black lightning would then appear before Ghost and after the smoke from it faded, Instinct would appear.)

Instinct: "Why the fuck is there a rift in my universe leading here?"

Ghost: "What?!"

Instinct: "Where's Pyro?"

(Instinct and Ghost would notice a presence watching them but they would disregard it.)

Ghost: "He's.. Actually, ion know".

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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