The Grim Reaper

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(The door would open and all you saw was a large staircase with a thrown that Rah (Pyro) sat on. There were a bunch of floors and places connected to this staircase.)


(A hand would cover Soul's mouth and he would get thrown into a wall. A figure with a black cloak, scythe and a powerful aura would then look at the group.)

Thee Grim Reaper (TGR): "You guys should've stayed on the surface. Now I have to go against y'all. Can't save you anymore."

Grim: "Everyone else besides me, Soul and Spectre will go up the stairs. We'll catch up to y'all later. Instinct, lead the group."

Instinct: "I gotchu."

(Instinct would lead the group up but as they got to the first floor they were cornered in by thousands of demons. They then started their fight.)

Spectre: "What if they're overwhelmed?"

Soul: "They won't be. They strong as hell; put faith in them."

Grim: "We have our own fight to worry about. With our fuckin father."

TGR: "One of you will have to take up the mantle of being the grim reaper sooner or later. I just have to train you enough for it. Meaning neither of you three can die on my watch but for trespassing into hell, you'll get on hell of an ass beating."

(TGR would start off with Spectre since he was both the youngest and weakest. Spectre was too confused to react but the twins would get in the way and block the attack.)

Grim: "Get your head in the fucking game. The fuck you're thinking about? Sushi nigga?"

Spectre: "Sorry it's just- I don't know.."

Soul: "Grim's rude but right. Pay attention."

(Soul would then kick TGR with his left foot and then Grim would do the same but with his right. Spectre would finally join on on the action and punch his chest which caused TGR to fall to the ground which then led into Grim and Soul punching him repeatedly. TGR would eventually grab both of their hands and then smash them into each other and then throw them into Spectre.)

Spectre: "So.. How we dealing with him?"

Grim: "We'll find a way. Just follow after our lead and back us up. You're gonna be our backbone for this fight."

Spectre: "Our family bonding is gonna be so lit!"

Soul: "You're not a little kid, get ya head in the game."

(Soul would dodge and attack from TGR and then throw a barrage of spectral energy balls at him and Spectre would do the same while Grim was physically attacking him.)

TGR: "Sha you know you're named after me? That's why I was happy when you took the name Grim Reaper so now we have the same real name and alias."

Grim: "It's sad that I didn't even know I was a junior."

(Grim would punch TGR into a structure and then Spectre would knee TGR in the stomach with Soul following up slicing his back with his swords.)

TGR: "Y'all are all strong as hell not gon lie. I love that y'all took after being Reapers. Dre you were named after my father and Khe you were named after my brother. Shamias, Quadrias and Khezias; my powerful children."

Grim: "You're federal. Don't call me by my gov."

(Grim would hold hks scythe up to TGR's neck with Soul and Spectre ready to launch a beam at him.)

TGR: "Khe reminds me when I was young, Dre reminds me of when I was a teen before I changed and Sha reminds me of when I did change. I love y'all, I really do. I made sacrifices."

(Grim's emotional side would start pouring out as he couldn't hold it back anymore. A few tears would come down his face and he was angered. He kicked TGR and started punching on him but TGR was too fast and was able to dodge every attack.)

Soul: "Sh-Grim.. You good bro?"


(Grim would black out and start trying to kill TGR which was a disadvantage as he wasn't thinking straight. TGR used this leverage to pin Grim to the ground with chains made of a demonic energy. He then turned his focus to Soul and Spectre.)

Spectre: "...."

TGR: "What's wrong Khe?"

Spectre: "I feel like a freaking replacement.. I'm just now finding out and meeting my brothers and I already love them.. You treated them wrong."

(Soul would step besides Spectre and place his hand on his shoulder.)

Soul: "It doesn't even matter anymore to be honest. All that matters now is saving our buzzin."

Spectre: "Wait Pyro's our cousin??"

Soul: "Yes.. I thought this was mentioned."

TGR: "You're not a replacement. And I apologize for what I've done and the neglect i've put y'all through. I want to make it up in some way."

Grim: "Make it up by dying you fucking scum."

(Grim would break out of the chains and start punching on TGR but Soul would get in the way and grab his fists.)

Soul: "Calm down real quick. We can't have a repeat of the event but with you."

Grim: "Fuck that. As long as this bitch die-"

(Grim would get cut off by TGR bringing the twins in for a long hug.)

Spectre: "Waittt group huggg."

(The twins would then find themselves in a group hug with Spectre and Thee Grim Reaper and would calm down.)

TGR: "No more fighting between us. When this is over we're all going out somewhere. Okay?"

Spectre: "Road trip pleaseee? I've always wanted to go on one."

TGR: "If that's okay with them."

Soul: "I'll be down."

Grim: "I guess."

TGR: "Go help the rest of your team. They've already cleared out a lot of floors but there's still a lot left. I'll be next to Pyro when y'all get there."

(The three would nod and start running up the long bloody stairs.)

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