Final Round: Rah vs Nate

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(Rah and Nate would step up to the battlefield. They've always had a rivalry and this was no different.)

Rah: "It's down to us."

Nate: "Yeah, If I were to fight anyone it would be you."

Rah: "I saw ya fight with Sai. Not gon lie I expected him to win and he prolly would've if he ain't make a black hole."

Nate: "That reminds me.. I have to search up a Black Hole's relationship with Gravitational Pull."

Rah: "They're related some how that's all I know. Now enough talkin."

(The terrain would turn into a Roman Colosseum. Nate would start the fight off my dissembling some nearby walls and reassembling them into sharp knife like objects and direct them at Rah.)

Rah: "Damn nigga you startin off strong."

(Rah would forge a shield to protect him from the sharp objects getting hurled at him. He would be able to block and deflect them all. However, Nate would then reassemble them walls so that Rah was trapped in a small cylinder.)

Rah: "One thing I hate is bein in confined spaces. It's either let me out or- Matter fact. COMBUSTION!"

(Rah would blast up using his flames to cause an explosion and then he would use his flames in his feet to fly. Nate would be no where to be found.)

Rah: "Nateyboyyy where'd you go?"

(Before he could turn to find Nate, a wall would slam on Rah from above and cause him to fall to the ground. Rah's vision would then get a little blurry from all the dust but he would be able to crawl out the rubble.)

Rah: "Damn you really going all out."

Nate: "Stop moving or I'll dissemble your arm."

(Nate would pop up in-front if Rah with his hand pointed at him.)

Nate: "I won this. Your win streak is over."

Rah: "3.."

Nate: "What're you counting down for?"

Rah: "2.."

(Nate would look around and then go to punch Rah.)

Rah: "..1."

(Rah would burst in flames and burn Nate's hand before the punch could hit. A set of explosions would then come from the ground and blast Nate into the air.)

Nate: "When did you have time to-"

(Nate would swiftly reassemble a piece of land in the air and then try to dissemble Rah's flames. However, it didn't work.)

Nate: "Wh-Why.. WHAT THE FUCK?"

(Rah would then grab Nate by his face and slam him through the newly formed land in the sky.)

Rah: "I don't know why or how the dissemble didn't work but you've shown a weak spot."

(Rah would throw fireballs at Nate. However, Nate dodged them all and hid behind a wall.)

Nate (Thinking): "I need to find a way to get him out of bounds without dissembling him alone."

(Nate would then assemble armor on himself from the walls of the Colosseum and start attacking Rah. Due to the armor, Nate was more fire resistant which means he could punch and attack Rah without getting burned.)

Rah: "Fuck. If this is your plan it ain't gon work."

(Rah would fly in the air using his flames to create some distance. He needed a split second in order to create a plan to easily break Nate's armor.)

Rah: "Nate you fucking twat drop the armor."

Nate: "Drop the flames."

Rah: "Bitch-"

(Another wall would slam Rah to the ground. Rah started to get angry. His flames on his head would form into horns and he would stand up with ease.)

Rah: "You must want me to kill you. Just forfeit already. LOSE!"

(Rah would charge at Nate while also having a purplish-black flame come from his right fist.)

Rah: "Demon Flame Fist!"

(Rah would punch at Nate's chest with full force causing both his armor to break and him to be stunned.)

Rah: "Give up."

(Rah would then hold his hand up to Nate's head with flames immersing from it. Similar to how Nate held his hand up to Rah threatening to dissemble him.)

Nate: "I would never.."

(Nate would finally be able to move again but his chest was badly in pain. As a final effort he dissembled an extremely large piece of the ground and put it on top of Rah, leaving him to get crushed. Rah would then land one final blow on Nate, causing Nate to get knocked out.)

Rah: "I'm fucked. Aren't I?"

(Rah would then look up to see a large piece of land about to topple over him and Nate. He would then forge another shield, blocking most of it from hurting him but the amount of dust that went into his system eventually caused him to lose concentration and get crushed, also passing out in the process.)

Announcer: "We need to rush them to the hospital.. Immediately!! The winner is Rah even though he's currently unconscious. He did knock out Nate first, causing him to win."

[The Next Day.]

Dr. Ottoman: "I appreciate you all for coming out here. You all will have money sent to you via cash app as a little participation reward. You all are very powerful individuals and I can't wait to see how you do in the future."

Mr. Ghastly: "I have a very powerful and fun class. You all did very well today. Now, it's time we go back to the school so you all can go home and sleep."

(The students would hop on a bus and start heading back to the school.)

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