Round 3 (Entirety)

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(Everyone would come for Round 3. The tournament was nearing its end and not that many fights would be left.)

Announcer: "Welcome back for Round 3 everyone! May I haaaaaveeeee Rah and Key come to the stage please?"

(Rah and Key would step on the battlefield. They had similar powers and abilities which makes this an awkward match up. The terrain would turn into a volcanic area with a gleaming sun.)

Rah: "No hard feelings Key. But you're not winning this, no matter how similar how powers are."

Key: "Sure I'm not."

Rah: "You can't juss burn me away like the others. COMBUSTION!"

(Rah's fest would explode on the ground which caused him to launch at Key. He used that combustion for extra acceleration while he flew in the air using fire that came from his feet.)

Key: "You're moving too fast!"

(Wings of flame would sprout from Key's back again and he would fly towards Rah. Rah would flip over Key and kick him into the ground.)

Rah: "Make this easy for me and juss give up Key. You know I'm the superior fire user."

Key: "No you're not!"

(Key would try to hide it but he would start physically turning red as he started becoming angry. He wasn't human, he just had a human like appearance.)

Rah: "How the hell are you changing colors?"

(Ra would kick Key away from him preparing for an attack. He would be alert due to Key's color change.)

Key: "I-I don't know it just happens sometimes!"

(Key would make a gust of wind using his wings. This also cleared the smoke that was blocking the sun. While the sun was revealed, the both of the fire users started gaining more energy from it.)

Rah: "You dumb nigga."

(Rah would blast himself to Key and start punching him repeatedly. Key didn't just stand there though, he fought back. For a second the two would look to be evenly matched until Rah conjured a solidified sword with his flames.)

Rah: "Flame Forgery: Hell Blade."

Key: "You think because you can make swords with your fire you're better than me? Well you're not! I-I'm immortal!"

(Rah would then appear behind Key and kick him in his back, causing him to fall to the ground. He would then hold his foot on Key's head and point the sword to Key's throat.)

Rah: "You can be immortal, that doesn't prevent the fact you're not winning this fight. I told you Key, juss give up."

Key: "Okay okay! I don't even care about this tournament I give up. Just leave me alone I'm going to eat and then I'm going to sleep."

(With Key's forfeit, Rah wins.)

Announcer: "Rah is the winner!! Let's have Sai and Nate up to the field."

(Sai and Nate would come out to the battlefield.)

Nate: "Damn Sai. I'm against you? May the best man win."

Sai: "Yeah whatever. Ain't you lose to Naysha?"

Nate: "Yeah, I was randomly selected to come back though because the match ups were uneven."

Sai: "Oh. So basically a losers bracket."

(The terrain would change into a wasteland. Sai would distance himself from Nate and up the gravitational pull 3x.)

Sai: "One thing I saw about you, you need to stay away from me."

(Nate would reassemble the ground below him to push him towards Sai. While he did this, Sai would keep gaining distance until he almost got out of bounds. Stopping himself before he hit it if bounds caused him to lose focus of the gravitational force which led it to be normal again.)

Nate: "Dummy."

(Nate would then reassemble the rocks and turn it into armor for him. He then went to go attack Sai.)

Sai: "Fuxk. You think you can beat me with that?"

(Sai would cause the weight of Nate's armor to become heavier so that it weighed him down. He would then cause his own strength in his fists to enhance using the gravitational force.)

Sai: "You forgot what I kan really do. Terrible."

(Sai would then punch through Nate's armor and repeatedly punch at him causing him to fall on the ground. Nate would react and accidentally dissemble one of Sai's arms.)

Sai: "W-what the fuxk did you do to my arm??"

(Nate would then reassemble it onto his torso and use Sai's own enhanced arm against him. He would punch Sai in the air with his newly attached arm and then assemble a large rock over him and crushed him with it.)

(Nate would then reassemble Sai's arm back to its normal position and lock Sai up in a rock capsule.)

Nate: "I win."

(The ground would shake fiercely and then the rock capsule would break and fall to the ground, releasing Sai. The gravitational pull would then get increased 10x causing Nate to fall to the ground, unable to move. Sai's eyes would then glow purple out of rage and a miniature black hole would open up and start sucking everything in.)

Sai: "You? Winning? Haha! You could never."

(Before Sai could do anything else, Ottoman would cut somehow close the black hole and restrain Sai.)

Dr. Ottoman: "Nate is the winner. Sai is disqualified because of the black hole."

(Everything would turn back to normal and Sai would pass out. The next people to fight is Lei and Naysha.)

Naysha: "Hey Lei."

Lei: "We're supposed to be fighting why're you tryna be friendly come on now."

Naysha: "Nevermind I take it back the fuck."

(The terrain would change into a grassy field.)

Lei: "I'm just gon-"

(Before Lei could finish her sentence Naysha would run up to her and start throwing punches and then mock her.)

Naysha: "wHy'Re YoU tRyNa Be FrIeNdLy?"

(Naysha would then slam her head into the ground and throw her with her telekinesis. Lei would get up smiling and a storm would appear. Lightning would then start striking near Naysha.)

Naysha: "Bro why're you smiling like that?"

Lei: "Why're you in my business?"

(The two would then start fist fighting again without the use of their powers. This would last for a few before Lei got fed up and struck Naysha with lightning and sent flying out of bounds. However, as soon as she did that Lei also was thrown out of bounds as well.)

Announcer: "They both simultaneously hit out of bounds! Which means they're both disqualified instead of a tie."

(The crowd would be astonished. However, this meant that the final round will finally take place.)

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