Outrunning Karma

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(Rah would wake up in Los Angeles, The City of Sin. He would be confused as to how he got there but as long as he had his stuff and his money he was good. It was night as he roamed the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in awe. He's never been here so it came to a shock. He eventually found a hotel and checked in for the night.)

Receptionist: "Hello, how long are you looking to stay here?"

Rah: "Uhh just two nights for right now."

Receptionist: "Your first time here isn't it? How do you like it so far?"

Rah: "It feels very different."

Receptionist: "That'll he $150 for two nights not including tonight but since you're cute i'll give you a discount."

Rah: "Goodlookin."

(Rah would pay for the room and the Receptionist would continue to speak.)

Receptionist: "So.. Where are you from?"

Rah: "New York."

Receptionist: "I heard it's cold out there. Maybe cause it's kinda up north."

Rah: "Its cold as hell in the winter yea but it's coo in the summer."

Receptionist: "You plan on staying here?"

Rah: "I might. I don't know fasho yet."

Receptionist: "Ohh okay. Well if you need anything just let me know."

Rah: "Gotchu."

(Rah would go up to his room and change into some shorts and a white tee. He then went straight to sleep but that sleep wouldn't last long as in his dream he was attacked by a mysterious figure.)

[Rah's Dream.]

(Rah would be fighting for his life through the city of Los Angeles.)

???: "You have very bad karma. You've harmed a lot of people and now karma's here to kick you in ya ass."

(The mysterious figure would go on to lecture Rah about karma and tell him that karma is coming for him and he can't outrun it.)

[Back in the real world.]

(Rah would jump awake and he would be gasping for breath. It would now be around 10 am and Rah would go take a shower in order to clear his mind. He realized he left his phone and all other electronics at his house in New York so that annoyed him.)

Rah: "I wonder why Ottoman purposely gave me mad money. He must've known I was gonna flee."

(Rah would finish his hour shower and finish getting ready. He would then leave the hotel and get a new phone. He then made some calls and put some of the money Ottoman gave him into a furnished 1 bedroom apartment close by.)

[With Duke and Rah |Instinct|]

Duke: "So where do you think he could be?"

Rah (Instinct): "Ion know but if he's anything like me he'll worry about where he's sleeping first."

Duke: "There's hundreds of hotels in this city."

Rah (Instinct): "If only this city was this alive in my universe."

(Duke and Rah (Instinct) would dressed normally and would start exploring the city and having fun; distracted from what their mission was.)

Duke: "This city is fun."

Rah (Instinct): "I see why he came here. It's largely inhabited and it'll be hard to find someone."

[With Rah.]

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