The End

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(Blue, Violet, Gold, Citrus and Sage would get distant from the rest of the people they were fighting and start charging an attack. Their auras then combined and a being made of their aura would appear and look at Pyro.)

Vanta: "Do we interfere now?"

Sin: "I think we should."

(The Aura Being would start fighting against Pyro while also taking energy from everyone in the vicinity.)

Panix: "Why it feel like my energy is draining?"

Limitless: "He's taking our energy."

Shadow: "He's taking the shadow realm's energy too."

Aura: "I am Aura. I used to be human, like you guys. Until I created a deal with the devil. I reside in hell and the only way I can come to earth is by being summoned with the exorcist's colored auras."

(Aura would be dragging Pyro through the dirt. He was too strong and easily overpowered Pyro.)

Aura: "It's time you die."

(Aura would be using an attack from every single one of the exorcists and combined them into one. Before it could hit Pyro, Vanta, Sin, Scar and Thee Grim Reaper would block it form hitting him.)

Vanta: "That shìt was powerful. He would've barely survived that."

Sin: "Kill Aura."

(Aura would use an Aura Blast and the four would get blasted away from Pyro. Aura would then create a exorcism ritual beneath Pyro which caused Pyro to get chained to the ground. The five exorcists would then start saying a spell while everyone tried to attack them but wouldn't be able to get through a barrier that separated them. Aura then attacked the group with Vanta, Sin, Scar and Thee Grim Reaper protecting them.)

Scar: "There's only one way to save Pyro."

Thee Grim Reaper: "Sorry bout this, nephew."

(The Grim Reaper would hold his hand out and a scythe would form with his dark energy. He would then smash through the exorcist's barrier and swing his scythe at Pyro, slashing him slightly.)

Vanta: "Now we intervene."

(Vanta, Sun and Scar would then fight against the Exorcists and Aura with the assistance of the Hunters, Roses, superheroes, etc.)

Vanta: "I got Aura."

(Vanta would be using 75.8% if his power and fought against Aura.)

Aura: "You're the strongest I've ever fought."

Vanta: "Eh. Can't say the same for you."

(Vanta would kick Aura into the ground and stomp on his body. He would then pick Aura up by his throat and start absorbing him.)

Vanta: "You'll always be able to come back, I know. However, If I absorb you I'll take your power."

Aura: "H-how?! I'll always be able to come back! You're not doing anything."

Vanta: "I'm absorbing your aura. You're made of it so you'll perish. But you can always get summoned again so it doesn't matter."

(After a few minutes Aura was gone and Vanta got more powerful than he's ever been.)

Vanta: "I am Vantablack. I am darkness itself. You exorcists best leave my son alone before you perish like the aura demon."

(Vanta would be surrounded by darkness and he would look down at the five exorcists.)

Violet: "Pyro is gone now anyways. Let's go everyone."

(A portal would appear and they would go through it. Everyone would then look at where Pyro was last seen.)

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