
5 3 0

(The Bounty Hunters would be hunting down a specific 5 individuals. Nova would then appear in front of them with a bright white aura and they would come to a stop.)

Nova: "Remember me? Brethren."

[Supernovanian 1-5 = SP 1-5]

SP 1: "Duke. Of course you're here for us. The Supernovanian Conquerer. You're here to set conquest on E-"

(Nova would smash the first Supernovanian's head into the ground and start yelling.)

Nova: "Shut up! You have no idea what I'm here for. I don't want this pitiful planet, I want you dickheads to get back on the team. ASAP."

Limitless: "Wait.. What is this really about?"

Ranimalo: "Word. It seems like there's some confusion you need to clear up Nova."

Pin Point: "I didn't track these five for this to happen. What's really going on?"

Nova: "These are fellow Supernovanians. They're apart of my team."

SP 2: "Tell them the full truth."

(Nova would grab the second Supernovanian by his mouth and slam him into a tree.)

SP 3: "The planet never exploded. You only came here for us 'runaways'."

(Nova would then go to grab the third Supernovanian but Limitless and Ranimalo would get in his way.)

Limitless: "This is true. I can tell by your reaction."

Nova: "Stay outta my way. You lucky I don't take this pitiful excuse of a planet over."

Ranimalo: "You couldn't take shit over. We wouldn't let you."

(Nova would go to attack Limitless but Pin Point would get in the way and use his aerokinesis to blast Nova back. Nova's reality would then shift and now from his perspective he was falling for seemingly forever in a dark hole.)

Limitless: "Are the five of you okay?"

SP 1: "Yeah. My name is Jack."

SP 2: "I'm Loki."

SP 3: "Ply."

SP 4: "I go by Bruce."

SP 5: "..Kane."

Limitless: "Nice to meet y'all. I'm Limitless."

Ranimalo: "I'm Ranimalo and that's-"

Pin Point: "I can speak for myself. I'm Pin Point."

Jack: "Is there anywhere else we can go? For more privacy?"

Limitless: "Our HQ is currently being rebuilt but we can see."

(Limitless would call Grim.)

Limitless: "Can we bring someone into your little jail thingy and speak in your meeting room?"

Grim (OTP): "Yeah, we just got done with a meeting. Just come over. Me, Soul, SaiSo and someone else is here."

(The Hunters and Supernovians would make there way to The Roses HQ and place Nova in a cell that weakened his powers. They would then go to one of the meeting rooms.)

Limitless: "Who's that?"

Instinct: "I'm Instinct."

Soul: "Long story. He's pretty much a Rah from another universe."

Limitless: "Another-"

Grim: "Y'all are saying too much now. We have other here."

(Everyone would take a seat and Limitless would give the rundown on what happened so far.)

Jack: "Us Supernovanians are conquerors. We go to other planets and take control and if they try to rebel, they die."

Instinct: "So y'all are runaways basically?"

Kane: "Pretty much."

(The HQ would rumble and before them would be 5 Supernovanian Soldiers)

V: "That's 5.. Where's Duke?"

(Duke would blast would blast through the ground and make his way to their level.)

Duke: "I'm right here."

(Duke would have a bright white aura blasting from him and his eyes would be glowing white.)

Duke: "I am a Supernovanian. I AM SUPERNOVA!"

(The white aura would change into luminous explosions that surrounded everyone.)

Instinct: "I got this bitch."

(Red and black electricity would surround Instinct and he would blast him outside of the HQ and start punching on him.)

Soul: "You Hunters get the 5 Supernovanians we have here and bring them somewhere safe. The Roses got the combat."

(The Hunters would nod and leave off with their Runaways.)

V: "Where are they going?"

L: "Don't let them leave!"

(L would go to chase after them but Grim would step in-front of him and hold a scythe to his neck.)

Grim: "You pathetic sinner. You reek of sin.

(Grim would then kick L into the ground and get ready to reap his soul but X would slash at him with his swords.)

Grim: "You all are filthy.. You all have the smell of sin following you."

(Soul would take his swords out and start fighting with X. X's swords were built with luminous energy to every time it clashed with Soul's spectral swords there would be an explosion.)

Zero: "This is how we playin? Alright."

(Zero would copy both Panix's ability and Z's ability and engage in a fight with Z. Z's luminous explosions came out of his fists as when he punched, there was an explosion.)

L: "You earthly scum."

(Grim would take his scythe out and put his cloak over his head. Darkness would then surround him as he swiftly sliced right through L, reaping his soul.)

Grim: "You sinful pieces of shit."

Soul: "Grim calm down you can't just kill them all."

Grim: "Says who?"

(Grim would then do the same with 2 other supernovanian soldiers which left X and Z left.)

Soul: "I thought we were against killing."

(Soul would take down X and Zero would take down Z. The damage from these fights caused more explosions to happen. Grim would then reap Z and Z's souls and Soul pushed him to the ground.)

Soul: "Stop it!"

Grim: "Or what? You'll stop me? Just sit back and watch Soul."

(Instinct would regroup with everyone while carrying Duke.)

Instinct: "We've made a deal. If I let him live, he'll help us bring back Pyro."

Grim: "I'm killing him now."

(Grim would go for the kill on Duke but he would get blasted back.)

Instinct: "I don't break promises or deals. Don't test me Grim."

Grim: "Tch. Fine."

(Vanta and Shadow would appear and look at the damage.)

Shadow: "Damn what have y'all been through.)

Vanta: "It smells like death in here."

Soul: "..."

Grim: "Vanta can you get this fixed soon?"

Vanta: "Yes but someone will have to tell me what happened."

Shadow: "The important thing is that we have to go to hell soon."

Instinct: "How soon is soon?"

Vanta: "Tomorrow."

Grim: "Gather everyone up."

Soul: "We're going so soon? Sheesh alright."

Instinct: "This is finna be entertaining."

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