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(The class would walk in and take their seats. Three new students would come in and introduce themselves.)

Casey: "Yo I'm Casey."

Riah: "Heyyy yall. I'm Riah."

Gabby: "Heyyy I'm Gabby."

Chris: "Why is my younger brother in the same class as me?"

Ghastly: "You didn't know about your brother's transfer to this school?"

Chris: "No, I don't pay attention to that nigga."

Casey: "Bro shut up you're always tryna start."

Ghastly: "Anyways, Casey please take a seat. We have a very important topic to go over today."

Khi: "What is it bro?"

Ghastly: "I was about to say it. Don't interrupt me while I'm talking please. Like I was saying, the tournament results are in and so is the hierarchy and tier results. I'm going to say the hierarchy results and if you want your individual tier results just let me know after."

(Ghastly would drink some water before continuing.)

Ghastly: "Drumroll please."

(The class would do a drumroll and Ghastly would pull out a paper.)

Ghastly: "The Jacks are Sai and Key, The Queen is Lei, The King is Nate and The Ace of Spades is Rah."

Khi: "Wait so what's my tier?"

Ghastly: "You're mid tier. Of course your tier can either be raised or dropped. There will be a weekly update."

La: "I know imma God Tier."

Ghastly: "You're a low tier. We haven't really seen much from you."

Toni: "Lameek you're so stupid."

(Toni would start dying of laughter.)

Ghastly: "And you're a low tier too but.."

Toni: "Okay cause now you're sucking the shit out of my dick."

Ghastly: "Your mouth."

Toni: "Mmcht."

Ghastly: "Before y'all go to the rest of your classes, take this book. It's called the Laws of Life. I'll be giving you lessons on it. It'll help out with your life situations. Give it a try at least."

(Ghastly would hand the books out and the rest of the class would go to their next classes. Rah would be in gym with Khi, Riah and Lei.)

Rah: "This nigga makes us run laps like we some damn slaves."

Khi: "I mean you are a cotton picker."

Rah: "SUGAR picker* You're the cotton picker you burnt piece of shit."

Khi: "Woahhh racist. It's cause i'm black isn't it?"

Rah: "Sure is."

(Riah would have an angry facial expression and Rah would notice.)

Rah: "Riah you good?"

Riah: "Yeah Im good.. It's just I wish everything would just stop moving for a second."

(Just then, time would stop moving for everyone except Riah, Rah and Khi.)

Rah: "Woah. So this is your power?"

Riah: "I- I can't control it."

Khi: "This is weird as hell. Everyone is.. frozen."

Riah: "This is the second time my powers activated. First time was when.. yeah."

Rah: "This is a start. Which is a good thing. You'll learn to control them eventually don't even stress it much. It seems to get activated based on your emotions though."

Riah: "Yeah, you're right. And if it is based on my emotions I have to find some way to use it without being mad or scared or any other negative emotion."

(Everything would resume again and Riah would get out of breath out of no where. The time pause took a toll on her.)

Rah: "You good?!"

Riah: "Yeah, just need.. to.. sit down."

(She would sit down on the bleachers and pass out. Rah and Khi would then take her to the nurse and text Nate and Mr. Ghastly to come.)

Nate: "Oh my gosh is she okay?"

Rah: "Yeah, she's fine. She's just tired out from using her powers."

Ghastly: "They activated again?"

Rah: "They seem to activate based on emotion."

Khi: "I'm boutta go. Text me to keep me updated."

(Khi would head out.)

Nate: "Then activating based on emotion would be logical. I hope she learns how to actually use them soon."

Rah: "That's what her training will be for."

Nate: "Speaking of training.. When is our next training?"

Rah: "Soon. I can see if I can set one up today."

Nate: "Do that."

Rah: "I'm boutta go to my next class. I know you're gonna be in here so text me when she wakes up or if anything happens."

Ghastly: "Imma be going too."

[Riah's Dream.]

(Riah would be passed out and she would be in her little dream land where she would then start seeing the future. It was a few months from the present time and all she would see is mass destruction and a bunch of people fighting a monster. Her heart would start racing and she would jump out of her sleep.)

Nate: "Are you okay? What happened?"

Riah: "My dream felt so.. Vivid."

Nate: "Tell me about it."

[With Rah.]

(Rah would be walking in the hallways where he would get confronted by a group of people from The Chosen Course.)

Rah: "The fuck y'all want?"

Goon 1: "We want your title. The Ace of Spades title!"

Rah: "Hmm. If you want the title you're gonna have to fight for it."

Goon 2: "Let's jump this kid!"

Ghastly: "Enough. Don't you 5 have better things to do than jump someone that'll beat every single last one of you to a pulp?"

Goon 1: "We're all stronger than this wanna be gifted piece of shit. Y'all let this rude bitch be the Ace? Eat dick."

(Rah would punch the first goon hard enough to knock him out)

Rah: "Suck my dick. Enough talking. The rest of y'all needa get ya pussy asses on somewhere and get the fuck out my face."

(Fire would ignite from Rah's eyes as he was getting irritated. The rest of the goons would get their knocked out friend and run off.)

Casey: "I'm coming for your crown Rah."

Rah: "Casey if you don't go somewhere. I don't have t-"

(Before Rah would walk away Casey would throw a fire ball at him. He would dodge it and then slowly turn around and see that Casey's raised hand was surrounded by fire and ready to attack.)

Rah: "You must be stupid if you think you can mimic my powers."

(Rah would pull his pants up and roll up his sleeves, prepared to fight. However before Casey could do anything he would recoil as his hand would get burnt. The flames on Casey's hand would then disperse and he would look at Rah.)

Casey: "How do your flames not burn you?"

Rah: "They're made for my body and vice versa. My flames weren't meant for you which is why you were burnt. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to attend to."

(Rah would walk away.)

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