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(It was the day they blazes through hell in order to bring back Rah "Pyro" and Khi "Subi". This temporary team of Hellblazers consisted of Sha "Grim", Dre "Soul", Khe "Spectre", Rah "Instinct", Duke "Supernova", Casey "Zero", Nate "Nucleon", Chris "Shadow", Von "Panix", Lele "Maniai" and Lei "Storm".)

Nucleon: "Why couldn't my wife come?"

Vanta: "Because time functions different down there. She wouldn't be much of use."

Panix: "Kan we just hurry and get down there so we kan save my manz?"

Supernova: "Yeah let's just get this over with so I can leave this planet."

Instinct: "You heard em. Let's go!"

Vanta: "Shadow, you ready?"

Shadow: "I think so.."

(Shadow would have a purple aura surround him and a portal would start forming inside of a structure.)

Zero: "Holy shit."

Khe: "Wowww."

(The group would go inside of the portal, leaving Vanta behind. They still had contact with him though. When they stepped through they were in a place that smelled like death and blood. They were in a fortress of sort. The ground they stood on was made of a blood red stone that was foreign to earth and they had an eerie feeling surrounding them.)

Storm: "Woahhh this is cool."

Soul: "Of course this is cool to you."

Instinct: "I'm getting a bad feeling about being here. Let's juss find the two we're looking for."

(Before they could get five steps in they would hear laughter as they were surrounded by demons.)

Demon: "Fresh meet??"

Demon: "No.. It can't be. They smell like earth!"

Demon: "Where did they come from?"


???: "Halt! You lot ought to show our.. guests some respect."

(A very tall and skeletal person that wore bloody clothing and had a mask with stitched together faces would look down at the group.)

Skelore: "Hello, I am Skelore. One of the 10 Commandments. Who may you be?"

Grim: "We-"

Instinct: "We're looking for Pyro and Subi. Where are they?"

Skelore: "Oh. We've been expecting you. Welcome to Hell. You'll be staying here burning for eternity."

(Lava would erupt from below them and the group would all get separated into different parts of Hell.)

Skelore: "You're bold. I want to take you on."

Instinct: "Ah shit, here we go."

Skelore: "You sound like Rah— Morningstar but with a deeper voice. Who may you be?"

(Skelore would place one of his skeletal fingers on Instinct's forehead and look at his backstory. He would then start trembling and back away from Instinct.)

Skelore: "You.. You poor broken soul. Do you need to vent?? Your whole life is bloodbath."

Instinct: "Did you just touch me with your filthy ass finger?"

(A shockwave would come from Instinct and red and black electricity would start surging from him.)

Instinct: "You just invaded my privacy and had the audacity to ask if I have to vent?? Nigga i'm boutta kill you."

Skelore: "if only I wasn't already dead."

(Instinct would engage in a battle with Skelore. Instinct would start by kicking him but his leg would start hurting. Skelore's bones were sharpened so that if he was physically attacked, it'll hurt the attacker two times more than it hurt him. Skelore would then form sharpened bones from the ground and shoot them at Instinct as if they were bullets.)

Instinct: "Shit."

(Instinct's feet would start surging with electricity and he would start bouncing off of anything he could to get away from the dart like bones.)

Skelore: "You must love dead bodies. You have hundreds maybe thousands of them piled up in your mind."

Instinct: "!!"

(Instinct would be pulled into his own mind and he would crash land into a wall.)

[Instinct's mind.]

??? #1: "You've killed and/or watched mainly everyone that love you die. Everyone around you dies and it's always your fault."

Rah (Instinct): "W-wait Dre it's not like that! Listen to me-"

Dre: "It is like that. You killed me and all I wanted to do was help you."

Sha: "Killed both of us. It's sick. And we were your bestfriends."

Sai: "Why're yall going against him? It's not even his fault."

Sha: "Yes the FUCK it is. He watched you die and didn't save you."

Sai: "We fought together and I died. That was that. He tried his bes-"

Dre: "His best wasn't fucking enough."

Sha: "Why're you so quiet? Speak bitch."

Sai: "Rah wake up. Wake up."

[Back in reality.]

Skelore: "Wake up. You can't be done already."

(Instinct would come to his senses and zap away from Skelore.)

Instinct: "Stop playing with my fucking mind."

Skelore: "You think it's me playing with your mind? No, it's your mind chasing you down until you stop running from it. Anyways, while we're talking I'll let you know a secret since I actually like you. In order to get remotely close to Rah then you must defeat all 10 of the commandments and collect a key. Hell is a very big place but luckily for you, you all spawned in Hell's Castle. The closest place to the throne room."

Instinct: "You're gonna give me your key?"

Skelore: "I am the 4th commandment. I like your backstory which means I'll let you go without demolishing you. Here you go."

(Skelore would hand a bloody key to Instinct.)

Skelore: "Before you leave, visit me again. If they leave without you I can open a portal for you."

Instinct: "Maybe."

(Instinct would then use his feet that was splurging with electricity and start looking for one of the other Hellblazers.)

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