The Exorcists

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(Pyro would be going blow for blow with Vanta. It was noticeable Vanta was holding back though.)

Pyro: "Why're you holding back? You think i'm WEAK?!"

Vanta: "I would kill you if I used my full power boy. Do you want this?!"

Pyro: "I do bitch."

(Vanta's aura would burst from him. He was using 20% now.)

Vanta: "Time ran out."

(Vanta would hold Pyro down and then block a shot from an unknown person. The dome and walls surrounding would shatter and five people would appear all having a specific color.)

Blue: "Tch. Why was I sent on this mission."

Gold: "Come on Blue. You know you love fighting with us."

Blue: "The person we're fighting is.."

Lifeline: "XAVIEN?!"

Xavien (Blue): "J- So I was right. The person we're fighting.. Is my cousin."

Pyro: "Doesn't mean shit. I'll kill you if this bitch lets me go."

Vanta: "You five can leave. We got this under control."

Gold: "Family or not he's going through an exorcism today. Stand in the way of my beautiful royalty and you'll die along with that pitiful person."

Zero: "Pitiful? You're the only pitiful one."

Gold: "IM PITIFUL? I am the definition of royalty and treasure you will watch how you speak to me."

(Gold would look down at Zero. Gold had a bright yellow aura and was wearing golden armor with a bunch of swords and a crown. All of the exorcists had a mask that covered their whole face but his blonde hair was visible.)

Sin: "Gilgamesh, enough."

Gilgamesh (Gold): "Sin?! Why're you here? Go about your business and stay out of mine."

Violet: "Can we just fight? We've been exposed to so many people within these two minutes and 6 seconds."

Sage: "He's correct. Too many people is on this battlefield."

Citrus: "Time to slay the demon!"

(Citrus and Sage would go to attack Pyro but Vanta would push them back.)

Vanta: "I've told you we got this."

(Pyro would be released from his hold and get ready to fight alongside Vanta.)

Pyro: "We haven't fought together in a while."

Vanta: "If that's really you in there, please wake up. I'm not fighting though. Ask your friends. I'll step in if it's needed."

(Vanta would go with Thee Grim Reaper, Sin and Scar.)

Frost: "I'll freeze these niggas."

Zero: "I want my ones with that goldie locks person."

Soul: "Now we're talkin."

Grim: "Twin you ready?"

Soul: "You bet."

(It would be Pyro vs Blue, Frost vs Citrus, Zero vs Gold, Soul vs Sage and Grim vs Violet.)

Pyro: "So much for cousins."

Blue: "Ian wanna fight you lil cuz."

(Blue would ignite himself into blue flames. He would then draw his sword which also was covered in blue flames and get ready to fight against Pyro's purplish black flames.)

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