Dragon Spawn

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(Grim would be on a journey by himself. He was able to track down Dragon's son with recent dragon sightings and finally found his home.)

Grim: "Yo. Is Dragon here?"

(Grim would go to knock on the door but before he could react, somebody would smash through the door and punch Grim into a tree.)

Spawn: "That's not even my name. I'm Spawn, not Dragon. That name belongs to someone else."

Grim: "Your father right? Yeah, I've met him. That's why I'm here."

(Grim would stand up while being completely unphased by the hit.)

Spawn: "That punch did nothing?! What the hell are you."

Grim: "I'll answer the question later. Im here to give you something from your father."

Spawn: "You're one of his messengers?"

Grim: "No, far from it. I fought him in Hell that's all. He just asked a favor and since he gave me a good challenge Im just helping out in return."

Spawn: "Just give it to me and leave me alone."

(Grim would toss the small box to Spawn and start looking at his surroundings.)

Grim: "You live all alone in the woods 20 minutes from a nearby town and you do quests and missions for people for money?"

Spawn: "... Are you taunting me?"

Grim: "No, just trying to find out your story."

Spawn: "Mind your fucking business."

Grim: "That's harsh. So where's your mom?"

(Spawn would get enraged and his aura would burst and he would attack Grim. However, Grim would easily dodge.)

Grim: "So this is what we're doing now? Sheesh your anger issues remind me of R-.. somebody."


(Spawn would roar and a beam of electrical energy mixed with high wind speeds would graze Grim.)

Grim: "Your father opened up with that same move. Y'all might be alike."


Grim: "Damn you don't have to yell."

(At this point Grim was just toying with Spawn. Spawn was unable to land a direct hit on Grim and Grim wasn't even attacking back; just letting Spawn take his anger out.)


Grim: "It's pointless. I'm wasting my time. You're not a challenge like your father was."

(Spawn would stop in his tracks and look at Grim. There was a pause before Spawn responded.)

Spawn: "...What?"

(Something would click in Spawn's brain and he started screaming out of anger as he shifted and transformed into an elemental dragon. The ground would shake, the nearby lake would start flooding the forest and the trees would catch on fire with a thunder storm approaching.)

Grim: "Now we can get started. I've never seen a dragon up close."

(Spawn would be flying in circles around Grim while also wrecking havoc on everywhere but making sure he didn't touch the house he stayed in.)

Grim: "I did research before coming here.. You slay dragons even though you are one? Dragon Slayer Spawn, The Dragon. How could you kill your own?"

(The dragon who so happened to be a dragon slayer would roar. Grim would then notice that the house was perfectly standing and go into it. This caused the dragon to stop in his tracks and transform back to in order to chase Grim.)

Spawn: "Get out of my house!"

Grim: "Does it have any value?"

(Grim would take advantage of Spawn not using his powers in the house in order to look around.)

Grim: "Behind this wall is a secret doorway. To what exactly?"

(Grim would stop at a random walk in the house as he sensed a hidden room.)

Spawn: "I've been looking for my mother. She's missing."

Grim: "I can help you find her. I'm apart of a team of vigilantes. We can help you find her."

Spawn: "I've been doing good on my own. I don't need any help."

Grim: "Can you at least open the secret room. If your dad trusts me, I'm sure you can."

(Spawn was reluctant at first but he eventually opened a room. Him and Grim stepped into a room that was filled with Spawn's findings with his missing mom case. He's been working 24/7 trying to connect the dots and find her.)

Grim: "You mind if I look at some of these files?"

Spawn: "Go ahead."

(Grim would search through the files, making sure to memorize everything with his photographic memory.)

Grim: "Council of Flames.. What's that?"

Spawn: "A group of powerful people pyrokinetic abilities. I've been trying to track them down because I believe they took my mom. As you can see with the evidence I gathered, she was meeting with one of them twice a week consistently over a course of 10 weeks leading up to her disappearance that happened on a day of one of the meetings."

Grim: "Wait- You think it also has something to do with your dad's death?"

Spawn: "My dad died from being burned from the inside out. While my mom's pyrokinetic abilities were strong, she was no where near strong enough to even scratch him."

Grim: "What do you know about them?"

(Grim's interest was peaked. Now that Rah was back on Earth, he could be a major target for them.)

Spawn: "Not much but I have been watching one of their newest members. He's a rookie and makes too many slip ups. His name is Inferno and his powers are strong as hell but he doesn't know how to use them properly. When he learns how to, he'll be over powered."

(Grin would finish reading over everything and look back at Spawn.)

Grim: "You should come with me. I'll introduce you to everyone and you'll have a place to stay and a place to keep all of this. Deal?"

Spawn: "I don't usually want help but.. sure."

(Grim mainly wanted Spawn to come back with him in order to use him to get closer to the CoF. Grim was a man who had an intention behind everything.)

Grim: "Pack everything up and when you're ready I'll be waiting outside in a car."

Spawn: "Alright."

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