Round 1 (Entirety)

21 5 0

(Sav and Naysha would get in their fighting stances. The terrain would switch into a rocky dig site.)

Announcer: "Areee you ready kids?"

Audience: "YEAHHHH"

Announcer: "I can't heaaaarrrrr youuuuuu!!"

(The crowd would scream louder as drill started playing.)

Announcer: "Who's blasting this music? It's very.. exquisite. A-Anyways.. 3..2..1.. GO."

(The two girls would wait for each other to make a move. They weren't used to this so they didn't really know what to do.)

Vannah: "Since you won't make a move I will."

(Naysha would finish fixing her hair and then start using telekinesis to move the rocks and dirt to launch at Vannah.)

Vannah: "Nevermind-"

Naysha: "If my best friend did my hair I wouldn't have been worried about it."


(Vannah would make an illusion that would cause Naysha to throw the rocks elsewhere and not at her. Vannah would then charge at her and tackle her to the ground.)

Naysha: "You're built like a lineman get off of me!"

(Naysha would then pick up Vannah with her telekinesis and smash her into a boulder and have the boulder crush her.)

Vannah: "Illusions are so funny."

(The illusion would fade and Vannah would be staring at Naysha who threw herself into a boulder.)

Naysha: "I'm too.. high for this."

(Naysha would lift herself out the boulder and then actually hit Vannah with it this time. The boulder would then roll out of bounds, causing Naysha to win.)

Announcer: "We have a winnerrrr!!"

(Ottoman would hold Naysha's hand up and then they would both get picked up and sent to the hospital area.)

Ottoman: "Next up. Chris vs Key."

(Chris and Key would take their spots on the field. The terrain would switch to a grassy field with the sun beaming on the arena.)

Announcer: "START!!"

(Chris would teleport behind Key and then jump back when he started feeling too hot. The sun would be beaming on Key and he would just be absorbing it for energy.)

Key: "Why'd you back away? Are you weird? Like we're supposed to fight."

Chris: "Bro what is your power. I'm not about to get burnt to a crisp fucking with you."

(Wings made of vibrant red-orange-yellow flames would form on Key's back. He would then get surrounded by flames.)

Chris: "Why do you have wings. I thought there was only one person in our class who has fire powers."

Key: "I don't directly have fire powers.. I'm different."

Chris: "Mannnn.."

(Chris would try to teleport and grab Key but he would get burned. Key would then breathe fire on him, but before the fire landed, Chris teleported away.)

Chris: "This terrain is so useless there's no where to hide."

Key: "You're making this a project stop moving so much."

(Key would then send a fire blast towards Chris's direction. It would burn half of the terrain and Chris would dodge it.)

Chris: "Damn nigga give me a break."

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