Day In Life

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(This chapter will be based on the characters that really don't get much attention. It starts off with Lei aka Storm walking the streets in a long leather trench coat prepared to rob a bank.)

Storm: "Put the money in my ass!"

Bank Receptionist: "I'm sorry- What?"


(Lightning would strike in the bank and everyone would run out screaming for help. She would then take all the money they had and leave off while also leaving behind a small tornado.)

Storm: "These banks are sooo easy to rob."

(She would be on a getaway until Shadow teleported in-front of her.)

Shadow: "Mannn, just make my life easier and go return that money."

Storm: "Bitch no the fuck."

(She would send a lightning strike at Shadow but he would easily teleport to dodge it and then punch her into a building. She would then cause a small flash flood in the area that wiped him away and then she would use her lightning to hit the water and electrocute him.)

Shadow: "Too fucking slow."

(He would dodge it and kick her into that electrocuted water and then punch her into the shadow realm.)

Storm: "This power is tooo familiar. Do I know you?"

Shadow: "Wait Lei?-"

Storm: "Bitch of course it's you. I know that touch anywhere."

Shadow: "You're robbing banks without ME?!"

Storm: "Ain't you like a superhero?"

Shadow: "Yes and no. I fight whoever amuses me."

Storm: "Tryna come with me to the next bank?"

Shadow: "Wanna fuck after?"

Storm: "Yeah."

Shadow: "Then yeah."

(The two would bounce out of the shadow realm and start heading to rob another bank.)

[On the other hand, with Khi aka Subi, Key aka Blaze and Von aka Panix.]

Subi: "Being a superhero is fun bro. Y'all gotta get Pyro to let me join the Wilted Roses."

Panix: "Nikka nobody have heard from Pyro in a few days."

Blaze: "So that's why he hasn't been in school?"

Subi: "I wonder what happened to him."

Panix: "Imma try asking Soul and Grim. They probably gonna know."

Subi: "Who the fuck-"

Blaze: "Two people on our team."

(Panix would call Grim and Soul to meet them in a specific location and they'll eventually get there.)

Soul: "Yoo what happened?"

Panix: "Where has Pyro been? The media and press has been asking about him when they try to interview us."

Soul: "We don't know to be honest. We can usually track him but our soul trackers aren't working. We checked his house and everything."

Blaze: "So he's no where to be found?"

Grim: "Last time this happened it turned into something bad. We need to find him."

Soul: "Yeahhh what Grim said. We've been on the lookout for him for a few days now but he's no where to be found."

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