♧ 39- Funeral ♧

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Sorry for the long wait. Was mentally exhausted for a while.
Enjoy the chapter ♥️



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Dalia looked at herself in the mirror, draped in black from her head to her toes. She looked at her reflection through the black veil hanging from her hat, thoughts running through her mind. She had found out that her spy within the Sasori-gumi had also unfortunately been caught and terminated.

You've been sad enough, Dalia. The clock is ticking for you. Time to get it back together,

She fixed her suit, grabbed her purse and proceeded to leave the room. On the outside was a bodyguard waiting for her. He then led her down to the main living room where Kimura waited for her, dressed in black as well.

“Are you ready, my love?” he asked.  

“As you can obviously see,” she replied dryly.

“Alright. Let's go,”

He gave her his arm and she held on to it. Led by their many bodyguards, they left the penthouse for the headquarters that had now been completely cleaned up and prepared for the private funeral.

During this time, Dalia had a plan in mind. She kept her eyes on every single bodyguard around them. She patiently waited for that opportunity when none of the ones around her had a close eye on her.


The couple arrived the main residence an hour before their guests would begin to arrive so Kimura would make sure everything was set and in place for the funeral. Chairs had been set up in the biggest parlor of the house and it had been decorated traditionally with aspects of the Buddhist religion here and there. Hiroyuki's closed coffin had been set up at the front of the big room.

Taking Dalia with him everywhere, Kimura approached the coffin and opened it. Both looked inside and there was Hiroyuki's corpse. His head had literally been stitched or sown back onto his body, making him look like some freak show or scientific experiment. 

Dalia stared at the lifeless man in disgust, a greater part of her reliving the pure satisfaction of having witnessed his pathetic death. When she stole a glance at Kimura, she found him to be cold and expressionless as he stared at his late father's body.

What? Do you regret it? Dalia thought in amusement and rolled her eyes.

However, her assumption was proved wrong when to her surprise, Kimura kicked the stand that carried the coffin, immediately dismantling it and sending the coffin crashing on the floor. The corpse almost rolled out of it.

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